Chapter 1514, you are crazy

No, she can’t lose, if she loses, nothing will be lost!

I must find a way to escape, there must be a way to get out of it, and the pain of the five senses twisted into the heart of Li Xin began to figure out, she wants to leave, in order to leave and hurt again have to endure!

“You stay at home, put the lights out, don’t let anyone in.” Ye Jian was busy with his hands, didn’t look at Li Wei, his body was slightly sloppy, “Remember to pay, don’t let Anyone coming in, don’t go close to your parents.”

When she arrested her parents, she was obviously unable to bear her heart.

This is a very normal mood, my parents are caught in front of me, and there will be some emotional fluctuations in my heart.

The wiping of tears did not go to see Li Wei, nodded gently, solemnly replied: “Reassured, I must keep my home. You must be careful, don’t be bitten by a dog.”

Although both hands and feet are trapped, the mouth can’t be said, but Li Wei, who can hear the ear, still doesn’t understand who Chen Jiafu suspects of the traitor.

Unexpectedly, it was a meeting that they had never doubted, an introverted, silent, and there was no sense of existence in the village.

Fighting geese all day long, I was stunned by the wild geese. I was too negligent and too confident.

But now is not the time to settle accounts! She has to get out first, then come back and find this little monk to settle accounts!

I think that it is not thin for her family, and the result is actually betrayed!

The evil in my heart is hard to swallow!

She can’t sit still, as long as she leaves Ye Jian, she has to talk to Xiao Yan and tell her to let her go.

Also, just this little monk was in the room, but did not come to help himself, well, good, good! Wait! Wait! When she took off her head, one couldn’t spare it!

Li Wei, who is full of resentment, will pay a look at it, Xiao Yan! When she came back from school, she should cut her tongue!

“Li Wei, many lines of injustice will be self-satisfied, don’t resent others here, you must complain to yourself.” The meeting will open up, the hatred in her eyes is no less than the other side, even the voice is full of thick Hate, “In order to fill your own greed, but lost to my family, Li Wei, do you think I don’t hate you? I want to thank you for taking a break for me, or I am still in the dark and know nothing!”

Usually do not speak, a voice is full of sharp hate, Li Wei can not help but shake the body.

Will this little monk kill himself?

“My classmates, a girl who loves to say that she laughs and dances, has never returned since I was thrown out. Everyone thought that you were subsidizing to go abroad. In fact, in fact!” The mood of the meeting was very volatile. When she walked to the front of Li Wei, the light from her eyes was like a knife. She wanted to be able to kill the other party. “Actually, you broke the legs that did not yield, and closed to the basement! He also said to the people around him. The right to raise a dog that is not good for venting.”

“Li Wei, you are really good, you can still treat people as dogs! If you can, I really want to treat you as a dog!” In this sentence, the meeting will almost exhausted all the strength and screamed out. .

Ready to leave Ye Jianyan heard the words, suddenly looked up, and the twilight instantly swept to Li Wei.

Think of people as dogs, Li Wei, you are crazy!

This matter, the information investigated by the police is not there!

Li Wei was shivered to his shoulders, and these things… I knew it!

Then she can borrow the hand of this little monk to get out? It seems unlikely!

(End of this chapter)

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