Chapter 1549, let me go

For the first time, Xu Wen understood how much he dared to say to himself before he went to the military school.

Dad said that if you enter the army, you are no longer an individual but the whole group. You are not good for the whole class to be punished because of your badness. Entering the group not only needs to improve yourself, but also remember to help your comrades improve together. .

The collective is not you, nor is he, the collective is you and me, and all the words and deeds represent the entire collective honour and disgrace. In the same group, you must know each other’s learning, know each other’s concerns, and also supervise each other, but also learn to learn from each other’s strengths. The key time dragged the collective.

Xu Wen felt that she was dragging the group this time. Because she was alone, six students were in her head for her fight, and all of them were beaten and bruised. Thinking about it, Xu Wen’s eyes were red.

The emotions suddenly fell down. “How do we go back to school? The guards directly stopped us. When will it happen?” After that, I knew that I was afraid.

Song Zhiqiu saw Ye Jian, this thing, to tell the truth, can only be handed over to her, they can not handle it.

“Don’t worry, as long as we arrive at the school gate on time, the captain will pick us up.” Ye Jian gently said a word, let the six people feel suddenly and open, as if to see the clouds and see the sky.

Xu Wen was shocked, “…big…the captain took us in?”

“Well, I didn’t tell you before? You were blocked by bullying outside. I hope the instructors can let me, Song Zhiqiu, and Liu Yang go out together. And, I told the instructors that I will not bring trouble to the school. Ye Jian explained in a light way, lest his classmates worry, “Now we are solving the trouble outside, so there is no problem.”

“Really, …… okay, but they…” Xu Wen felt that the news was a bit unreal, they all fought! After the fight, you can let the captains come out to pick them up into the school. Listening is just awkward!

“Don’t worry about it, since Ye Jian let us let go of our hands and feet, there are sure ways to prevent us from having something, and I believe that Ye Jian can solve it.” Yuan Dabing smiled haha, and his words were full of trust in Ye Jian. Say nothing, it must be fine!”

Liu Yang, who was squinting, nodded heavily, saying that he also believed in Ye Jian.

There were a few punches on his face, especially when the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and the mouth was so fluent that he was speechless.

Ge Jinglin, the happiest player, laughed. “We are earning today. You don’t know how much I played just now. I hit the guy’s face with a fist and told me to go. I saw his saliva being me. Hit the splash. But…” Speaking, the brow wrinkled his hand. “I was really hurt at the time, thinking that my knuckles were broken.”

“Old Ge is very powerful today. I am closest to him. I almost hit my elbows on my elbows. I don’t know what to do with you. Lao Ge, you made a big taboo.” Song Zhiqiu joined the chat, and the atmosphere was more harmonious in a while, no longer A little nervous.

Xu Wen is a girl, her mind is more delicate than a boy, although she also believes in the opening of Jane, but only when she really enters the campus can she be completely relieved.

Because she is a party, she is tired of her classmates.

Ye Jian saw that she still had no peace of mind. When she got on the bus, she whispered to her: “Don’t blame ourselves, we are a group, we must learn to care for each other, rely on each other, instead of making mistakes, we are immediately away from you. I am afraid I will be dragged down.”

(End of this chapter)

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