Chapter 1551 is absolutely obedient

The teacher who is a civilian teacher did not raise objections this time. “It is true. It has a strong commanding ability and a convincing ability. But it can’t be like this. The rules of the guard are still to be defended. Ye Jian can handle it very well. But other students, I am still observing.”

The meaning is that he believes that Ye Jian will always be very good, and the rest of the students have to ask a question mark.

“I agree that although this matter is handled properly, it is never advocated.” The captain of the team said.

The seven people who fought in the fight did not receive any punishment or expulsion, but the teacher said that there were a lot of fallen leaves on the campus recently. The clean aunts were too busy, and the seven of you helped Auntie to take this winter vacation.

The seven people helped clean the aunts together, and the classmates felt inexplicable. They couldn’t ask what the reason was. No one asked after a week.

On the same day, He Jing knew that the indignation was filled: “I want to be there, I must scrap a few!”

I thought that I didn’t help, and then I cleaned up He Jing to join, how to persuade and not to come back, in her words: “Blessed with the same, there is difficulty!”

Simple and pure comrades-in-arms are like this day after day, year after year, every day, crawling and rolling together, eating, drinking, sleeping, not separating, even if they are separated, they are also thinking about each other, worried.

After this incident, Song Zhiqiu and Xu Wen, the six of them have already reached the point of absolute obedience to Ye Jian. As long as Ye Jian said anything, they will listen and think that what she said must be correct.

Not only do they believe in Ye Jian, but for a long time, the classmates in the class have also been affected. They are no longer because of who made mistakes. Everyone was punished with grievances and resentment, and they no longer specifically warned who would not make mistakes.

When the training is slow, some people will stop and pull him to run together. The internal affairs will be punished for failing one or the other, and there is no contradiction in private. They will be solved together and completed together.

This change has surprised teachers and faculty members. According to their experience, it is only after one semester that a class can be integrated into mutual help, mutual supervision, and mutual care.

I know that their class has not ended in one semester, and the atmosphere in the class is so harmonious that the teachers and faculty members are refreshed into the classroom.

Once again confirmed: Ye Jian does have certain leadership, cohesiveness, master control and command ability.

In addition, her physical fitness projects are excellent, and learning has not fallen behind. … All the teachers and faculty members of the command class feel that this “excellent student” definitely belongs to Ye Jian.

Into the December Ye Jian is more busy, and about half a month or so she left school training, learning to rely entirely on self-study, do not know to immediately ask the teacher, while entering and leaving the laboratory more and more times, sometimes late at night Twelve o’clock is still in the lab.

Because, all the experiments on the day of school training, she must complete it personally, and write a good report to submit.

Physical training In addition to a few kilometers of cross-country, the participation of the collective project, other individuals trained her did not go.

When I entered the military training, the senior teacher said: As long as you can be excellent, you can watch the students train.

Ye Jian is now part of this category.

However, there is really no time to look at the classmates’ training and put all the time into the study. She needs to compress the others’ learning for forty-five days until she leaves school on December 12.

(End of this chapter)

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