Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1560 - Please ask the summer team for a lot of advice.

Chapter 1560 asks the summer team to give more advice.

In the moonlight, Xia Jinyuan’s handsome face is too tired to be covered, but it seems that Ye Jian seems to have all the tiredness of a few days eliminated. There is a kind of spiritual food called “love” that supports him and wipes out all the fatigue in his body and mind. Only the rest of the time is full of joy.

He is a restrained man, facing the battle of life and death, he is only in front of Ye Jian, there is an unknown side, sometimes rogue, sometimes expensive, sometimes cold and proud, and sometimes like a naughty child wants to discuss candy eat.

Ye Jian looked at the majors who showed three evils and smiled. They did not rush to answer. “It is true. It seems that I should also take the time to contact you with your feelings. Maybe you can break into the other party and steal intelligence.” ?”

After saying it, he raised his hand and touched his face. He said with enthusiasm: “I have never been a sinister, I can try it once.”

“Hey, little fox, your face seems to be getting thicker and thicker, like me!” Xia Jinyuan, who laughed loudly, stared at the smile that was more chaste than the moon. Suddenly, he came to a sneak attack, a light The soft kiss fell to her forehead.

The water kiss has not yet waited for the leaf to react, and he has left, leaving only one ribbon with the moist touch of the sea.

“Welcome back to the team, Ye Jian.” In the previous second, Major Shao was like a cat who was stealing. This time, he looked cold and cold. He was dressed in a combat uniform and changed into a special soldier of the iron skeleton.

Ye Jian: “…” How does it feel that he deliberately changes in a second? However, Xia Shao’s mind has always been deep, so far, she still hasn’t figured out how to understand him.

Until he reminded him that “Lee Devil is behind”, Ye Jian realized why he changed so quickly. Then, he listened to him and smiled softly. “It will destroy the atmosphere. Otherwise, I want to steal another bite.”

“Then I have to thank Li Dewang.” Ye Jian grinned and could always feel relaxed with him. It seems that nothing is difficult, everything can be solved, and she has a sense of ignorance from the outside. .

A man who can give himself happiness and safety, she has no reason to miss.

On the shore, Li Yan’s brow was very shallow and wrinkled. He was not sure what the action that Xia Jinjin had just done… Is he kissing Ye Jian, too fast, and he can stand up in the future, he has stood up straight.

The two have already walked toward the shore, Xia Jinyin has been walking alongside her, and kept a certain distance, and there is no difference between the behaviors. I should have thought more about it.

“Two days he was responsible for the sea training, it is the devil, the training intensity challenges everyone’s limit every day. This morning, 5 nautical miles full of armed crossings, afternoon light armed crossing, then complete the underwater shooting, then return to the camp to rest, follow him training does not harvest shallow.”

“The intensity of the next ten days of training will only be more difficult. You have to study and learn, little foxes, drink more energy supplements, don’t pay attention to it.” It is not alarmist, Ye Jian has not carried out height for two and a half months. Strong training, the body’s functions have not yet fully operated, and it is not impossible to have an accident.

Ye Jian remembered the summer vacation and his training scene. The corner of his mouth was bent. “The difficulty is really great, but what I can learn is hard. I am looking forward to it.” Turning his head, he smiled at the summer major and said: ” Next, please ask the summer team for advice.”

(End of this chapter)

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