Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1563 - It will definitely be miserable.

Chapter 1563 will definitely be miserable.

The Snowy Brigade has a total of 22 special special team members participating in the competition training. These 22 special forces are all elites in the elite. It can be said that any grassroots units and field troops are casually placed. It is definitely this unit. The king of soldiers.

Among them, Xia Jinyuan only knows eight special warriors in the inner leaf, and several players are accompanying the big leaders to the secret meeting of the Palestinians to serve as security guards. They have seen Ye Jian in secret.

But Ye Jian did not see them.

As for the other players, although I have never seen Ye Jian, I can be no stranger to the name “Ye Jian” just like the former Baihe, because the team often mentioned her, familiar with the name is not familiar with people, about the most familiar stranger. Let’s go.

“How many of you have not said Ye Jian every day, how, how can people not go to our team, but go to the “water ghost” team? The military arrangement? It is not that we are not fighting.”

“If you fight for it, you may not be our comrades-in-arms. This is mainly about how the military department arranges.”

“Speaking of it, I still have to see how the military department arranges it. Hey, just now, do you see what she looks like?” A player who is wearing a pullover is interested to turn the topic to “face” how to… …sayed the voices of several teammates.

“Yeah, yes, who do you see clearly? When I introduced myself, I was going to pick up my eyes. But she was carrying the moonlight. I couldn’t see anything. I only thought her voice was really good. Bailing. Bird-like.”

Training one day, the topic will be much easier when resting, Ye Jian’s arrival is because of her identity, and because of her gender, let the male soldiers who face the sea for dozens of days sneak up.

There are only two points around the content. First: How come to the water ghost team, obviously she is familiar with the comrades in their team. Second: How is it growing? It’s not good to see.

As for how much ability, how many things have been put aside, can train with their male soldiers, but also join the “Devil King” led the water ghost camp, certainly not too bad.

Too bad, will the military department arrange?

Too bad, will the devil want?

So this question does not need to be discussed, or to discuss the topics they are most interested in, in order to relax and relax.

In addition to the body needs to be relaxed, the high-intensity training needs to be relaxed. The so-called men and women are not tired of working together. Why do you have to arrange several female soldiers in a single army? In fact, there is some truth.

Female soldiers, no matter where they go, will become the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of male soldiers.

The pigeons and the white cranes have seen Ye Jian, heard the words, and said in unison: “If you see you tomorrow, you will know that as long as there is no camouflage on her face.”

“It seems that you are very interested in how she looks, or else, tomorrow, I will tell the devil, let him come to you in front of you with Ye Jian?” A light voice with a little cool smile Later, I saw that the players who had collectively rested together collectively pulled the sleeping bag to the head one by one and fell asleep in one second!

Xia Jinyuan took a few steps and walked to the teammate who asked “How Ye Jian is how” at the beginning, bent down, and smiled with a sly smile: “I really want to see, I am taking you now? Just, I have to look for her.”

Very sincere, it sounds like I really intend to bring my teammates in the past.

I really want to believe, the end will definitely be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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