Chapter 1569 Activities

The sniper is not only a sniper, but also an assaulter in the near and far distance. The electronic blaster must also take into account the breakthrough operation. Even the technical soldier codenamed “Z7” can become a firepower hand….The generation “k7 “It should be a medical soldier. As a result, the professional level of the people and the level of combat go hand in hand.

As a major in the deployment of Xia Jinyuan, he really developed the potential of each team member. In his words: man is a machine, and only when he works, he knows how strong his performance is.

This is true, and only by functioning can each person’s potential be stimulated.

The moon has risen above the sea, and the dotted stars are gradually disappearing. The Venus star flashes to remind us of the new day.

Ye Jian caught up with the training progress of the two teams at the fastest, best and most stable speed. As the only female soldier of the two teams, they did not receive special attention from the beginning.

How do the players train, how can she train, in addition to sleeping far away, Ye Jian is no different from the male soldiers, and eat the same treatment.

No one cares about her because she is a female soldier. When she was training, no one was because she was a female soldier. The heavy rock in her hand was raised a little higher to ease her eating power.

There has never been a special point, because everyone knows that they are suffering now, all in order to successfully complete the task, and come back to live and suffer.

Ten days of training, on the face of Ye Jian, the “meat” that was raised in school was slimmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it became more and more refined.

“Bluebirds, prawn, you two climbed to the highest point near the beach within ten minutes, here…” Li Yannian spread the battle map and began to closely arrange the combat plan.

At 12 o’clock in the morning, the two teams started the match. They sent it to this strange island that was never seen before half an hour ago. The rocks are dense and the trees are lush. From the military map, the terrain and the mountains are almost the same.

However, this is a wrong map. It has reversed the east and west directions, and there are errors in the coordinates. Looking at such a wrong military map, Li Lannian began to complete the operational plan based on experience.

The entire island is full of surveillance, and each team member is equipped with an annunciator, which allows the military leaders who observe the two teams to control the movements of all the players in real time.

The storm commando entered the area for half an hour, as did the snowy brigade.

The military is deliberately arranging an unfamiliar island for a more realistic assessment of them and more challenging.

“You two implementations broke into and cleared, and you five were groups to cover the landing. Remember, no one is allowed to act alone, they must cover each other and guard each other!”

“You three are a group, landing for diving, and carrying out semi-encirclement operations…” Li Zhaonian’s operational command ability is quite strong. He and Xia Jinyuan are the “kings of the king”, whichever is the “king” “Won.

As a sniper and assaulter, Ye Jian needs to carry two guns. The assault gun is placed on the chest, and the sniper rifle is placed on the back. Everyone listens to Li’s battle arrangements and the group quietly chills. In the cold sea, waiting for the arrival at 12 o’clock in the morning.

The snow squad, Xia Jinyuan spread the military topographic map that just arrived, and at first glance, his face was dark and dark.

The military is really dark enough. Even a map is intended to give him a wrong one. It doesn’t matter. He is a wrong map here. The same is true for Li Mowang.

Good night……

(End of this chapter)

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