Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1580 - Come out and solve one

Chapter 1580 comes out to solve one

Resting under a rock for a temporary rest, the two of them just happened to be on the outside of the tornado. When the wind passed, the breakfast fell.

Ye Jian also grabbed a few sealed bags and cut the fish fillets. After wiping the traces, they walked with the prawn toward the meeting point. They needed to gather with the big troops.

The sky is already bright, and it is better to see that the dark clouds on the sea surface seem to be integrated with the sea. The rain has been woven like a net. The leaves have been hit by the rain and the sound of “small slap” is well covered. The sound that the action will bring.

At 7 o’clock in the morning, two members of the Storm Commando assassinated and killed. Even the guns were paid. From the point of view, the two sides once again played a tie, but from a tactical point of view, the two players were obviously sneaked into the ground.

The snow squad is good at sneak attack…. Li Lannian took the sea fish that the prawn handed over and chewed it slowly: “No hurry, we have their captives.”

Captive J5 is also eating seafood, the treatment is not bad, do not need to deal with it, since someone fed him to eat.

“I am like you, I don’t know anything. I caught my understanding of Q King, and I hope you can solve it, so as not to anger him.” J5 used to be an instructor, and he can say that he can get himself out of his mouth. They are not in a hurry to be captured, and they can talk to them with a smile.

I know that J5 once had a piece of leaf with a mouth that got out of danger and was full of pity. I didn’t know the devil. It became a prisoner in his hand. It is difficult to get away.

Li Lannian looked at him calmly and gave him a water ghost to feed him: “Feed him, don’t let Q Wang think of us, harsh captives.”

This sentence sounds completely without any problems, but somehow, J5 feels that his back has a little bit of cold, as if he was stared at by a beast, and the crisis is on the rise.

The windy and heavy rain days are quite low, but for the water ghosts, these are not what they are. They landed in the jungle camouflage combat uniforms and they knew that there was “dangerous” in front of them. They were still fearless and marched forward.

The two scouts sent came to the news that there was movement in an abandoned building, and the devil was instructed.

This news made the whole storm commando team members feel refreshed. Needless to say, this is definitely the goal they need to capture!

“Give the order and order the storm commando to take the occupied building before 12 noon.”

The command center issued the command of the naval commander, and the storm commando team members who received the command suddenly burst into the wolf-like light in the original calm eyes, staring at the demon king and seeing that the J5 could not change.

This water ghost team has to fight directly!

There is no military map, no combat map, and the information of the scouts. Li Xiaonian quickly arranged the combat tactics. The J5 who heard the hearing gradually stood up and stood up…. This demon king, the combat command ability and the Q king are inseparable!

All are going to death!

I have been training for so long, I don’t know the strength of the demon king. I don’t know how powerful the demon king is when I see his combat command ability.

“Sniper I don’t need you to attack too many targets, open a gap for me!” Li Yannian took a stone as a target building, and he started to deploy with a branch in his hand. “You three complete the blast, block Dead their retreat, assaulter cover, come out and solve one.”

(End of this chapter)

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