Chapter 1583 is skyrocketing

The island’s complex environment and heavy rain, it provides her with a large number of hidden locations, and this point can be screened, but also allows her to quickly move the position to hide.

This point is also a good point for Li Lannian. When she saw her, she pointed out that there was a slight appreciation in the cold chill. “Well, wait for your message.”

At ten o’clock, the storm commando team members played in full play. Ye Jian did not approach directly like them. She was a single soldier and carried out sniper actions. Therefore, while maintaining contact with the water ghosts, she arrived at a position that she said well with Li Yinian. .

This can be attacked, and it can cover the players, and the field of vision is quite open.

“Sniper bluebird is in place, finished.” Ye Jian, who sent his own position and coordinates, began to point the barrel at the bottom of the building, waiting for the arrival of the water ghosts to complete the battle.

The comrades in charge of the reconnaissance found the situation and reported that the water ghosts of the storm commando team were close to them. Xia Jinjin immediately stood on the eagle and the scorpion: “You two combined G3 to play the periphery!”

Originally there were six comrades in the periphery activities, and only G3 was left. With the eagle and the scorpion who were good at attacking and shooting, Xia Jinyuan had always been very stable.

The two countries (the blade) special warfare team fire triggered, the water ghosts directly sneaked into the interior of the building to start to tear, Ye Jian shot faster, aiming at her mouth to complete the task of Li Xiaonian.

The large screen of the command room shows all the situations in which the two armies are engaged. All the data are analyzed by the technicians, so that the senior generals in the command room can know in time and transmit the data to the military in time.

In the military department, Xiazhong quietly placed his hands on the conference table, and his eyes watched the data on the projection screen and the battle between the two sides.

There were not many generals in the conference room. In addition to the three senior generals in military uniforms, the great leaders that Ye Jian once accompanied were also listed.

The leader of the big leader is also sitting on a casually dressed leader. This is the highest leader of China. He attaches great importance to the confrontation between the two countries. He arrived at the military at 7:00 this morning.

“The two groups have a very strong level of combat. However, Group B is obviously more suitable for maritime operations and can accurately find the life gate. The counter-attack strength of Group A is good. It can be so calm on other people’s sites. It can be seen that the combat level is too high.”

For this confrontation, China’s top leadership has given a high evaluation. Although the whole process is serious, his eyes are very mild. Although the invisible pressure has always existed, it can be seen that the highest leadership’s confrontation against this day is still Satisfied.

When the top leader saw the last scene, he could not help but point to the screen, not sure about the commander-in-chief of Xia, “Lieutenant, this soldier is a female soldier.”

“Yes, this is a military school student of the National Science University. Currently studying for freshman, the codename is “Blue Bird”.” Commander Xia calmly answered and appreciatively said: “A pretty female soldier, if Not surprisingly, she will also become a soldier to go abroad next year. It is also the only female soldier to play.”

Ye Jian is excellent, better than his rogue son. Her excellence is not only in his eyes, but also in the audience. He said that a candid praise, Ye Jian can afford it!

An orphan, a child without roots, is so good, he will send her a good wind, I hope she can skyrocket.

Tonight, good night, good night, more finished, more finished, look at the typo to go…, thank you for such things as “婼羽璇桦”, “Xin Xin”, “Crazy”, “Light Snow”, “Nianqiu”, “暮走” for me to check the typo. Kiss one of us.

(End of this chapter)

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