Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1586 - The devil wants to grab people

Chapter 1586, the devil wants to grab people

The match was as estimated by the senior generals. The storm team won the game and won 41 seconds from twelve.

But as the generals estimate, although they win, they are also victorious.

The snow squad is a group of wolves from the depths of the snow. They have a strong and unbreakable tacit understanding. They have absolute uniform obedience, and they have a unified war, killing each other’s arrogance, and maritime warfare is their weakness. If you switch to mountains, jungles, plateaus, plains, and desert operations, it is difficult for the storm amphibious frogman commando to win.

Of course, it is not that the storm amphibious frogman commando team is not successful. They were established in June last year. Under the leadership of Li Mowang, they can still rush with the snow squad for several hours. In the end, they can win, and they can prove that the Li Mowang training team, How successful is the operational command.

If they have been established for a few years, then today’s match will only be more exciting and more bloody.

Ye Jianwen, who was talking with the commander of the Navy, said that the clothes were so wet that there was no dry leaf. The standing leaves were straight and straight. In the face of praise from the top leaders of the country, there was definitely a feeling of excitement, but the sound remained steady and calmly answered. “This is what I should do because I am a soldier.”

“Very good! Don’t be disgusted!” The commander of the Navy praised and appreciated Ye Jian.

So that someone later secretly dealt with Ye Jian, the navy commander immediately took off his military cap at the military assembly and put it on the table. He stood up and said coldly: “If she has a slight violation of the military discipline, I Dong Lisheng Take off this military uniform!”

It is this kind of belief in Ye Jian.

Ye Jian never loses her sense of praise. Everyone here is so good. Why do she only praise her alone?

There is another reason: because she is the only female soldier in the two brigades!

This identity alone is enough for the top leaders of the country to pay more attention to it. In addition, the last half hour of playing the game is a bit fierce. Naturally, the top leaders pay more attention to it and they are praised.

I received praise and glory, not only belonging to her alone, but also to everyone!

“The tents have been set up, and I have to change clothes.” Behind him, Li Lannian, who was coming, reminded me faintly, and the look of Yan Yan, who was icy like snow, remained the same. Even the eyes that looked at Ye Jian were the same as before.

With the words of the commander of the navy, they helped them to set up their tents. Ye Jian’s mouth bent and smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Li Yannian replied, looking at the female soldier approaching, there was a very shallow smile in the chilly chills, and when she approached, he faintly said: “Today is very Wonderful, continue tomorrow.”

I was so surprised that I heard a demon who never praised others to praise myself. I was really surprised to hear that the top leaders praised Ye Jian, who was not surprised. Fortunately, she responded quickly enough, and immediately answered with enthusiasm. Very good, only my late firepower, otherwise, I can’t score.”

“Well, but you are really powerful, and the sniper is very powerful.” Li Yannian, who did not talk with the female soldier while walking, was trying to keep the topic cold.

There is no way, he now shoulders a very heavy responsibility, the commander secretly orders, no matter what method he uses… Leave the blue bird and join the storm amphibious frogman commando.

This order was received ten minutes ago.

See you tonight

(End of this chapter)

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