Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1590 - I want to be the first one.

Chapter 1590 I want to be the first to teach

“Hunting” is the longest action in the match. When Ye Jian sees the arrangement inside, the corner of his mouth can’t be tightened a little, and the difficulty is bigger than today’s building. Just looking at it is like a task, but it is not.

This confrontation is divided into three small tasks, one is harder than the other.

This time they need to carry 25 kilograms of combat equipment, complete the hostage target, search shooting, support shooting, and 300-meter limited-time shots of 100 bullets. The reason why Ye Jian is grinning is because the last 300 meters limited time 100 bullets precision shooting Partner problem.

“Everyone needs to finish the 300m rifle 100 bullets with limited time precision shooting, and the middle needs to go through four obstacles.” Li Yannian highlighted the precise shooting of limited time 100 bullets, which is jointly owned by the storm commando and the snow group. Strengths, it is difficult to change guns in the middle of the road, and exchange personal targets.

Li Lannian turned his attention to Ye Jian. “Which partner do you choose?”

Changing guns in the middle means that after one of the players has finished 50 rounds of bullets, they quickly change the magazine and hand the guns to their partners. The partner must make 50 rounds of bullets at this time. Complete the gun change and exchange the target positions of both parties.

This training requires two people to cooperate with each other, and also needs to know how many bullets are fired.

And both sides must keep shooting at the same time. Only when the other side changes the magazine, the matching of the gun needs to control the shooting speed slightly, so that the binding can be installed, and he just completes 50 rounds. The bullet is fired, and the time of exchange between the two parties is successfully completed.

Why did Li Lannian ask Ye Jian first, mainly because she did not train much time with them, only let her choose who she had the most tacit understanding with her.

“Devil, you have the best partner with the Bluebird.” On the face, there is a big stick proposal of a band-aid. “I usually train you with the bluebird. When you finally fight today, it is also the cooperation between the two of you. This time, you two.” “”

Ye Jian has no problem, but I don’t know if there is any problem with the devil.

“Yes.” Li Yannian was beheaded. The rest of the team members had their own tacit partners. They didn’t need to arrange them one by one. They negotiated privately. They looked at Ye Jian’s face and continued the following topic. Search shooting, hostage target, and support shooting are completed in two groups. I am responsible for one group, and Daxie is responsible for one group. The following members are responsible for the team.”

As for Ye Jian, he naturally arranged for a group to lead Li Yinian.

Since the two sides need to march in the next two days, the fourth and fifth days are continuous confrontation. Tonight, the two teams must be arranged according to the four-day match.

The night was deep, and no one of the two teams fell asleep. All of them gathered together to discuss the tactics of the next four days.

Xia Jinyuan pointed to the last sniper team showdown project. Junyan said coldly: “The single-cycle approach is adopted. Each of our team members needs to compete with each member of the storm commando team. The two teams are the same. That means one person needs a matchup of 21 games.”

“The same is true for the Jade Bird. She needs to fight against all of you. I haven’t seen her sniper. I have a good look at how she completed the sniper. It is a very beautiful sniper level. I can’t learn it.”

The long eagle opened, “I want to be the first to teach.”

(End of this chapter)

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