Chapter 1598 Topic between men

The topic between men and men, that is, men and men can understand.

J5 sighed: “The devil, the real husband, the real material, the stalwart. Q Wang, don’t be overconfident, you must not only guard against the naval commander, say hello to the younger generals in advance, but also guard against the devil. “”

Raise your hand and gently pat the shoulder of Xia Jinyuan. The words are heavy and long: “Although the facial expression is cold, but the parents are not bad, very handsome and very handsome, compared to Q Wang, your Jun, his Jun is indeed very Jun.”

There is really no way to scare Xia Jinyuan.

I don’t deny that Li Mowang really has charm, but is his little fox squatting?

It took her four years to get her nod. It’s hard that she won’t get along with her for a hundred days.

The emphasis on J5 is long, and Xia Jinyuan’s summer major directly returns a squeaky “gentle” smile. “The devil is more powerful than just an instructor who can let the bluebird learn the skill, and then he is good again, he just belongs to others. Man.”

He never doubted the true meaning of the little fox, and he would not worry about these things. Of course, it is necessary to eat acid occasionally!

No matter when the young captain is always so confident, the same is true for love.

So, should you do the same?

Some of the slightly shimmering J5 couldn’t help but tighten his mouth. After a while he nodded. “You are right, the devil is good again. He is destined to belong to another woman.”

His expression is a bit stunned, and there is a little bit of faintness in his tone. He can’t tell the truth. Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian are the same temper who don’t like to pay attention to other people’s private affairs. Although they see that J5 is different, it looks like a common laugh. Road: “Yes, I believe in the blue bird, just as the blue bird believes in me.”

One more point to believe, more than one point is true, more than one point to pay more and more effort, and you will get all.

The rest time has arrived. The members of the Snow Group have started on time. The waiting ahead is a hunting operation full of “bloody”. Only by “killing” the other party can they “live” and a confrontation is also a battle. war.

As long as there is war, it is doomed to kill, and there will be “death” and life.

As soldiers, they have no choice in the face of war. Since they choose to “live”, the enemy must be “dead.”

At eight o’clock in the morning, the sky was still drizzling, and the two teams carrying the 25-kilogram equipment took a short break and started again.

At 12 noon, the storm assaulters carrying 25 kilograms of heavy equipment smashed through a mountain stream and walked through a piece of abandoned farmland. The piece was not high, but it was gray and black after being burned by the fire. The cluster of mountains appeared in front of everyone.

“It feels like it’s going to start.” The voice of the scouts in front of the headphones came. They were responsible for exploring the road. They had extremely keen judgment. “There was a heavy fire in the mountains. The pine trees inside were broken and inverted. From the visual I feel already depressed.”

Li Yinian did not let the players move forward. At this time, they had been walking for four hours, and their physical strength dropped significantly. They entered the mountain directly. Once they appeared, they would be dragged down by physical problems.

Directly issue the order, “Remaining in place for twenty minutes, replenishing physical strength.”

Hearing Ye Jian gently sighed and walked with 25 kilograms of combat equipment, obviously feeling that his physical strength had declined.

After all, I have been away for four hours, and there is no one-minute break in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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