Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1605 - Confronted with old classmates?

Chapter 1605 confronts the old classmates?

Carrying 25 kilograms of combat equipment on his body, carrying rifles on the shoulders of guarding the lives of soldiers, guarding the country’s territory, and protecting national security, wearing the pair of combat boots covered with yellow mud and grass ash, they are bravely moving forward.

They seem to only keep moving forward, even if there is a raging fire in front of them, they will never stop and go forward.

Until the 22nd figure left the line of sight, the platoon leader let his soldiers take back their hands and the squad leader retired and led the team to leave.

Each other, Li Yinian and Ye Jian are close to two of the ‘hostage targets’ positions.

The two of them looked at the new soil on the artificially piled up, and they knew that the following was a ditch. Then look at the opposite hills across the ditch, in stark contrast to the fired fir forest.

One was burned to life without a chance, a charming autumn landscape, and reddish maple leaves swaying wide leaves in the drizzle.

“Below.” Ye Jian pointed to the mountain and used his gestures to communicate with Li Lannian. “You are left, I am right, go down together…”

The Li Lannian, who gave her an “OK” gesture, leaned to the left and heard Ye Jian say “Prepare!” The two touched the ravine almost at the same time.

Ye Jian shot and hit the back of a soldier. The annunciator touched the long sound of “dropping”. She and Li Xiaonian solved one at a time.

The squad leader’s eyes were a little big. He didn’t open his eyes because he was “shot” on his back, but because… the special soldier who “shot” his back to the side of the class was too familiar. Let him open his eyes in disbelief.

“Ye Jane.”

He shouted a name that was once familiar, and although his voice was low, he was full of surprise, full of shock, and full of incredible.

How can it be? How could he meet Ye Jian here, she…when became a special soldier?

In the first half of the year, Gao Yi was enlisted in the school and went to Fujun Town to go through the formalities of enlisting. On the street, she met Ye Ying and her mother, Sun Ayi. She said to herself that Ye Jianxue had gone to a social mixed gang.

There are still people in the town who say that some people have seen Ye Jian in coastal cities, saying that she is seeing her as a shampoo girl in a hair salon.

It was said that he had a nose and eyes. He felt very sorry when he heard it. He did not say that he had won a grand prize. How did he become a shampoo girl whose reputation was not good?

Shampoo girl? Special forces?

After a period of shampooing, Ye Jian went to work as a special soldier?

is it possible?

He is a soldier himself, knowing that this is impossible!

It was Li Lannian who solved the squad leader. He heard that the local squad leader had the name of Ye Jian, and his brow was not lightly wrinkled.

So coincidentally? I met a soldier who knew the blue bird.

Ye Jian was also shocked. He even met the former junior high school student Fu Dong here.

The squad leader, Ming Fudong, was from Fujun Town, Anyang City, South Province. He was the same classmate with Ye Jian as a junior high school student. He was also the only junior high school male student in Ye Jian’s class.

Engage in a match against the old classmates, say hello in the past, … not at all!

When she came to pay her winter, she was a classmate, but she didn’t have much friendship.

Junior high school was the hardest time for her training. Apart from Jiaxin, Zhang Bin, Zhang Na and Zhou Liao, the other students were all in general, and there were not many topics.

(End of this chapter)

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