Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1610 - The devil is stunned

Chapter 1610, The Devil is gone.

In the face of his captain’s inquiry, Dasuo also did not know how to open it. This is a woman’s personal privacy. How do I tell the unmarried captain?

As for another unmarried comrade who screamed, he said: “Da, go to the side, don’t mess up.”

“How do I add up? I stood up and listened to you, but did not interfere with you. Me too…” After the big cockroach had not finished, he received the faint sight of the demon king, and he turned back very quickly. Go forward and dare not stay.

When he left, Li Yinian’s voice was a little tight and asked: “What happened?” The blue bird’s body has problems, and it’s so serious that it still needs to conceal his comrades?

Ye Jian is a female soldier. There is no difference between training and male soldiers. But now she is in a state of physical condition. Li Yannian, who is the captain, must pay more attention to a few words.

Take away an unmarried comrade, face his captain, and he is still thinking about the big shuttle, clearing the scorpion, vaguely said: “Not a big deal, captain, you know that it is not a big deal, Ye Jian can solve it himself. ”

“What’s the hot water?” The bachelor Li Lai has not reacted until now, not slow, but has never encountered such a thing, and the natural reaction is slow.

Dasuo got married. His 31-year-old boy is three years old. The wife of a wife knows how to do more things about women. Seeing that the demon of the wise **** has not yet understood, Dasuo sighs. : “Devil, you should also find a girlfriend, Ye Jian is not comfortable because of the girl’s monthly affairs, junior high school creatures…”

“I know.” As long as he mentioned it to him, Li Lannian reacted instantly. He looked at the big shuttle with a stiff look and used a consistently cold tone: “Hot water…, how do you see it?” solve.”

The shuttle was swept around, some of them were not well resolved, and there was a need for fire to have hot water. It was not suitable for fire. “Let’s ask yourself to come, we…pretend not to know, lest she be embarrassed.”

Pretending not to know is indeed a way to solve the problem. When Ye Jian came back, she found that her equipment had been carried by the demon king. When she came over, he said: “Your face is not very good, and the equipment is rotated by us. And.”

There are no more words, and the official tone of the business sounds like telling Ye Jian that they are so arranged, but they don’t want to affect the speed of marching.

Ye Jian saw a very subtle atmosphere. For example, when the devil talked to her, the line of sight did not always look at her, but… she said it was removed.

It is not the style of the devil at all.

Li Lannian felt that he suddenly couldn’t stand Ye Jian’s line of sight. He looked down at the time to cover the unnaturalness on his face. “There are still seven minutes, you take a break.”

After that, the equipment carrying Ye Jian turned and left.

Ye Jane stared at him and walked a little hasty back. He couldn’t help but squint. She didn’t say anything in a word. He said that he immediately left, obviously not right.

Her gaze is also very substantial, especially when she is only looking at one place. Although it is very light, there is no aggressiveness, but it contains a kind of sharpness that can see through the heart, so that the back is carrying a bag of Li The leap year could not help but step up the pace.

I don’t know if it’s okay, I know that my heart is always a little bit too good to face the embarrassment, or take care of it, take care of it when you take care of it, so as to avoid… it seems that he is not human.

(End of this chapter)

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