Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1612 - Summer major is heartbroken

Chapter 1612, Summer Major is heartbroken

Wait until the end of the equivalent of the preheating match, next year will organize a larger scale, the whole process is a confrontation between the two teams, then more exciting than now.

At 7:40 in the evening, the two teams met at the intersection of the fourth combat zone. The two players patted me on the shoulder. I licked your chest and laughter snarled in the night.

The two teams did not stop, and the two teams marched side by side, walking right and left, and said.

“Great, we still want to hurry and go to your site to touch a circle, where you know that you are already there.”

“You are different. The devil is also arranged to go to your site. As a result, I don’t know who is flashing on our side. The devil told us that I can go back to the fourth area tonight.”

Both players said that this is a helpless face.

Li Yannian, who is at the forefront, is talking to Xia Jinyuan: “Nothing.”

“Doe each other, each other.” Xia Jinyuan said with a smile, and occasionally looked back and looked back. “Tonight, the two teams can sit down and talk together, first listen to what you have gained in these two days.”

Li Lannian knew that he was anxious to find Ye Jian, and said: “The blue bird is in the middle of the team, she is a little uncomfortable.”

“Thank you, I have a look now.” Xia Jinyuan heard that his girlfriend was not very comfortable, and he was anxious in his heart. “I came to see you later, sorry.”

Then he turned and walked to the back of the stride.

Li Lannian looked back at his back, and there was a slight darkness in the cold, and once again felt the difference between the Q King and the Bluebird. I really want to say where it is different and can’t say it.

Xia Jinyuan has already walked to Ye Jian, and Ye Jian is talking to T6. When he comes over, T6 wants to vacate his position, but sees his captain is very domineering to hold the girlfriend’s hand and leave the team directly.

T6 grinned and gave his captain a thumbs up.

Xia Jinyuan has only his own girlfriend in his eyes, where there is extra sight to see his comrades, holding Ye Jian’s hand in the night, the coolness of his heart makes his heart sink, except for the warmth of his palm, fingers It is ice.

“Is it a vacation?” I asked directly, knowing that Ye Jian was thin and said: “I am your boyfriend. This is a man who knows, and as a boyfriend, you should know your girlfriend. What are the special days? How are you now? Are you uncomfortable?”

Ye Jian’s face is really stiff, she really doesn’t know about this, he knows!

“I’m fine.” Take a deep breath, Ye Jian lowered his head and whispered. “You don’t make a fuss, I don’t feel uncomfortable.”

Slightly gripping her hand, there is a distress in the low voice. “The mouth is hard, the Li Dewang has found that your physical condition is not good. The hand is so cold, the vacation is just a matter of needing attention.”

Ye Jian is not comfortable, what is the old routine, and say something else.

“It rains, my hands will be cold. Will our two teams spend the night together? Tomorrow, the two will be separated again after the completion of the two.” Ye Jian began to turn away from the topic, “It is a bit different from the game I imagined.” I first thought it was the two groups to compete together every day.”

This little face is so thin that even this topic should be avoided with him.

Xia Jinyuan sighed lightly, but there was no other care during this training. He could only feel distressed. “I will give you a warm hand, and I will come over and give you a lame later.”

good night

(End of this chapter)

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