Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1618 - I won't mind

Chapter 1618, I will not mind.

This night, Jane sleeps very fragrant, and her cold feet always look like a group of fires. The warmth from her feet passes through her limbs. When she wakes up and wakes up, she finds that her forehead is slightly Hot sweat came out.

I found that my feet were still in his arms. Ye Jianben was a very good-blooded face with a touch of blush, his feet squatting lightly, trying to pull out from his arms, moving, closing his eyes. The tight man opened his eyes in a sly manner, and the pair of handsome and chilly chills like a cold moon, and his eyes were cold and cold.

While his hand had already held the rifle and opened his eyes, Xia Jinyuan entered the combat state.

This is a man who wears military uniforms, combat uniforms, and training suits on his body, no matter what he is doing at the time, his body is always in combat or ready to fight.

Ye Jian also quickly pulled back his feet and quickly sat up, ready to get up and clean up.

The time is still early, the gathering time is 5:30 in the morning, now this time… Ye Jian looked at the time and was 15 minutes away from five.

She remembered that Xia Jinyuan still disagreed, her hands held her feet on her own heart again, and he did not get up when he lay down, lazily lazy and shallow: “You can sleep for a while, don’t worry. Now there is no When your comrades are up, you stand alone, and the sentinels will notice you.”

“When you pay attention to you, you will notice me, little fox, do you say that the sentinel will see that I am holding your feet?” “Summer school with eyes closed is whispering, just waking up, low alcohol The voice contained a trace of **** hoarseness. “If you want the sentinel to see it, even if you sit. I won’t mind.”

Ye Jian did not think deeply, and he was reminded that he looked up like a deer and looked around with vigilance.

The comrades have not yet got up, the sentinel is five meters away from them, but fortunately did not find her little tricks with him!

The major with closed eyes seemed to know what she was doing, and slowly opened her eyes. The deep black scorpion was full of laughter. “The sentinel is the scout in the water ghost team, the little fox, you want to continue sitting. Is it?”

Where can I continue to sit and be a benchmark!

Ye Jian, who has a quick jump in his heart, is afraid that he will wake up his comrades when he speaks. He can only lie down again. He is helpless to the major holding his feet and not letting go: “You will let go of your hand and wait for a while, it will be dawn. Seeing the impact is not good.”

“It’s still early in the morning, don’t worry. Or, go to sleep side by side with me for a while?” The major with closed eyes is not worried about being discovered, but the old **** is saying: “If I am there, I still need to worry. Was it discovered? Come again, it’s really to be discovered, it’s called seeing, they see their comrades in the care of their comrades.”

The leader of the singer is not the primary school of the summer.

He is not worried about anything, but she is worried! In order to be able to smoothly withdraw his own feet, Ye Jian, who did not dare to make a big difference, did not directly confront the man who was arrogant, but negotiated: “Then you have to let go and I can pass.”

When he let go, she got up straight!

Xia Jinyuan still doesn’t know his girlfriend. As long as he let go, he must flee immediately. Even if he gives her a foot, he is worried that he will be seen by his comrades. The two will sleep side by side…. Hey, will the little fox be willing?

Don’t even think about it, the little fox with a thin face will never want to.

(End of this chapter)

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