Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1623 - Old people go to the door

Chapter 1623, the old man is on the door

Chen Shu did not tell Ye Jian because he did not want to worry about Ye Jian, and he had the meaning of protecting Ye Jian. He could never mention Ye Shu’s past things to Ye Jian.

Today, he almost made a big mistake, thinking that since Chen Shu and Ye Jian are relatives, then his story should be all known.

Ye Jian has a tight mouth, and Chen Shu does not want to tell her that the summer team does not want to tell her, … why should you hide yourself? Isn’t Chen Shu still in danger? What kind of secret does Chen Shu have in the end?

Is it a dangerous secret?

The sharp-minded Ye Jian lowered his eyes, and the complex and inconspicuous emotions in his eyes were covered by long and thick eyes…. She was somewhat worried.

Xia Jinyuan sees this, knowing his own words still disturbs Ye Jian’s mood.

After the training is over, he will immediately call Chen Shu and ask Chen Shu to plead guilty.

When Chen Shu, who was wearing a dress in Shuikou Village, opened the wooden door and looked at the door by the light, his face on his fortitude suddenly changed.

“Hello, may I ask if this is Sun Xueqing’s martyr?” At the door, Caizhou, the director of the Public Security Bureau of Tongzhou City, asked politely, “I want to find her daughter, Ye Jian.”

Chen Shu sighed lightly and politely said: “Yes, please come in.”

After entering the room, Cai Bureau looked at the middle-aged man who was not older than himself. When he was drinking tea, he bowed his doubts in his eyes. How do you feel a bit familiar?

It seems to have seen it everywhere.

Chen Shu, who is dressed and simply washed, also looks at the middle-aged man sitting in the tea, and his eyes are equally dark and unclear.

He knows who he is, Ye Ming’s former comrade-in-arms, who saw him in the photo.

“Sorry, take the liberty to interrupt.” Cai Bureau did not want to let his familiar middle-aged man who is, but took the initiative to say his own intentions, “I came to find the comrade-in-arms of Ye Jian, I don’t know if you are Which one?”

When Chen Shu sat down and took a hot tea, he replied, “I am Ye Shu’s uncle, surnamed Chen. I don’t know what you are looking for in Ye Jian? She is not at home now.”

I have already inquired before the Cai Bureau, knowing that Ye Jian has benefited from an old revolution and the nursing of her junior high school in the past few years. It can be said that if it were not these two, Ye Jian would probably be raised by her uncle and his uncle. Abolished.

“You are the principal of Chen, hello, President Chen, my surname is Cai, is the comrade-in-arms of Sun Xueqing martyrs.” Director Cai saw that he had found the right person, and the smile on his face could not help but open his own briefcase. I came out with a yellowed diary. “This is the relic of Sun Xueqing. Can President Chen give me the child of Ye Jian?”

“The last time I saw her in Tongzhou and hurriedly saw it. I didn’t say a few words to separate. Seeing her is like seeing the style of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs, and the mother-in-law, this is an amazing child.”

I even met with Ye Haotou!

Chen Shu, who was slightly slower, suddenly fell down. He did not take the diary, but his eyes looked like a torch with a sharp point and looked at the old man who suddenly went to the door. “I don’t know Mr. Cai can mention her mother to Ye Haotou. ?”

“Chen Chan is relieved, I still know the importance. I have not said anything about Sun Xueqing’s martyrs.” Cai said that President Chen’s eyes suddenly sharpened. He was slightly convinced and looked serious: “So it seems Chen The principal is also aware of the martyr Sun Xueqing. I have not mentioned this to Ye Jian for the time being, because I have many doubts.”

Good night, change the wrong word, tears run, do I have to learn to type in Pinyin?

(End of this chapter)

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