Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1627 - Women's special forces

Chapter 1627 Women’s Special Forces

As I went down, the face of Cai’s face became more and more cold, and President Chen heard a frown.

He did not expect that Ye’s mother’s comrades in the predecessor’s life had even come to Fujun Town! I didn’t even think of getting a message that Ye Jian’s “dead”!

Three years after the sacrifice… Isn’t it time for Ye Zhifan to transfer to the town government of Fujun Town?

President Chen couldn’t help but said, “Things are not complicated. Some people have tried their best to prevent you from meeting with Ye Jian. At the same time, they have painstakingly asked Ye Zhifan to raise a leaf leaf, so that the death of Ye Jian’s mother will never have a day. “”

If even the biological daughter does not trace the truth of her mother’s death, then who else will go after the investigation?

No one will pay attention to things for more than a decade, and no one will deliberately investigate this matter! Even if this old Cai, if he has not seen Ye Jian, he may not investigate.

After all, things have been going on for too long, who can still remember?

Even the old man, in his heart, actually does not want Ye Jian to investigate again, otherwise, it will not hide for so long.

But if Ye Jian insists on investigating, he will not stop it.

Cai’s brows were locked tighter. The hand groped in the pocket of his clothes and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He took the smoke and bent down to the firewood and lit it. He slammed the number and spit it out. Smoke, my heart, my mind keeps thinking.

No, he can’t let Ye Jian take risks, and can’t let Hongmei’s only daughter take risks. Once Ye Jian had something wrong, he could not tell the red plum!

President Chen did not speak, check and not check…, his uncle is actually an idea, as long as Ye Haotou goes far and stands tall, they do not want Ye Haotou to lose happiness because of hatred.

“Old Chen, Hongmei’s business is handed over to me for investigation. I will tell you in time if I have any news! I have waited for so long to know that Hongmei’s daughter is still alive. As long as Ye Jian wants to check, I must help her.” There was no extra expression on the face of Cai’s cigarette. The senior police chief was swearing in a word: “My life was saved by Hongmei. Now, it’s my life. When I was still alive! Brother, tell Ye Jian, she will not move for the time being, let me move!”

President Chen did not say anything else. He only asked, “Why must I investigate?”

“Brother, let me tell you about Hongmei. When you listen to it, you will know what I am for.” When it comes to the comrades who sacrificed, Cai’s eyes have a soft color again, recalling the young years. .

That year, China began to set up a women’s special force to carry out special dangerous tasks that some male soldiers could not accomplish. Hongmei stood out from more than 6,000 female soldiers and appeared in their cleaned military uniforms. In the team, it became a flower in the army.

She is more desperate than the male soldier. A comrade-in-arms mishandled the grenade and saw a major accident. It was the red plum that kicked the grenade.

The male soldier was bitten by a poisonous snake. The red plum did not say that he was possessed with drugs and saved the male soldier’s life.

In the face of an avalanche, or Hongmei, regardless of his own sacrifice, it is hard to rely on a force to drag two male soldiers who have broken their feet back.

Into the desert, the storm was stormed by the whole team. It was the pot of water on the red plum that saved a team of 20 lives!

And his life should have been sacrificed at a certain border, or Hongmei rescued him with a bullet, and her own calves and shoulders were pierced by shrapnel.

(End of this chapter)

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