Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1637 - Incredible shooting

Chapter 1637 Incredible Shooting

The commander of the navy was finished, his fingers slammed on the table, and his dark face was stretched tightly. Like Li Xiaonian, he seemed to have encountered a difficult problem.

Hey, the commander of the navy looked up and looked at the data and looked at the Major General of the Army. “Old Yang, if this is true, … that is really a big surprise! A soldier can reach hundreds of soldiers. It is.”

The Major General of the Army was actually shocked by his own guess. However, it is undeniable that Ye Jian is indeed capable, and she is also a sniper, and it is still a few hundred soldiers.

Ruan said: “She is a sniper, and we have spent a lot of effort to train her. The ability to reach a row of troops is also what we expect of her. The person who trains her will make her sniper level reach a certain level and put her life into life. They are all placed on the bluebird, so that they have the blue bird of today.”

“If you add her talents different from ordinary people, it is really possible to reach hundreds of soldiers. However, for the time being we are guessing, I have to prove it again.”

When the Pakistani side fought, Xia Jinyuan told him that Ye Jian’s shooting was different, but he did not elaborate on what made it different. When he later discovered that the original Ye Jian was cultivated in the 1970s, with a world-class sniper. “The title of the sniper king, he also taken it for granted that Ye Jian’s shooting level is definitely different.

After all, so far, the “world-class sniper” of the throne is still sitting by, the legend that no one can pull down.

The commander of the navy knows that the Major General will not say the speculation that cannot exist for no reason. There must be a certain basis in it, but it is only necessary to confirm it.

“Then confirm it now, save me from thinking about you.” The naval commander made a decision and immediately contacted Li Lannian, who was ready to leave.

Li Lannian has already completed the whole team. The officers and men of the local troops will only collect all the warheads when they leave. It is not too late, they need to immediately go to the fifth combat zone.

Over there, Xia Jinyuan took the two teams to pick up more than one hundred warheads and handed them over to the platoon leader of the local army. Due to Ye Jian’s reason, the storm commando team did not come out again, and all the snow squad and the local troops completed the confession.

The distance between the snow and the distance of ten meters is also confused with everyone’s sight. Fudong once again looks forward. He only sees a slender figure like a male soldier, standing straight ahead like a loose motion. He observed that there was only one female soldier in the two special forces.

“Pay the squad leader, your class is responsible for the west to the north, Liu squad, your class is responsible for the east to the south! Four thousand four hundred and four bullets, four thousand four hundred warheads must be given to me, a warhead can not be missed, know no! ”


“Yes!” Fu Dong took back his sight. Until now, he still felt that he did not admit the wrong person. The female soldier was Ye Jian.

Xia Jinyuan’s line of sight slipped through the face of Fu Dong’s face. It was indeed a junior school student of the little fox. He had an impression. I didn’t expect it to be encountered here. It’s really a bit of a fate.

The male soldier should still have some doubts, otherwise he will not look at the line frequently. He has not seen his face for more than three years. His face is covered with heavy oil paint. The male soldier can also vaguely feel that the female soldier is Ye Jian. Not to mention that the little fox had a great influence in the class that year, and the impression left was too deep.

(End of this chapter)

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