Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1650 - Combat style (previous one

Chapter 1650 combat style (repaired in the previous chapter)

With Ye Jian’s gesture coming, Li Xiaonian quickly lowered his body and saw Ye Jian’s gesture. He immediately informed the surrounding comrades. “There are four people in front, all hidden.”

The members of the storm commando team, whose body response is faster than the brain reaction, are incomparably strong. They are looking for a favorable position to hide, and when they burst into flames, they will be silent.

Li Yannian, who was close to the cat, quietly squatted beside Ye Jian, and his eyes fell on four people who were about 13 meters away.

“Not a person in the snow squad.” Ye Jan’s head tilted slightly toward him, just right, and he was able to let him know clearly while maintaining a certain distance. “It should be The officers and men of the final position.”

Li Yannian nodded slightly, and it was not far from the final position. These people should be patrolling soldiers.

“Large, contact the big man.” The hidden Li Yi-nian asked the big man in charge of the communication to connect to the first group of the big man who started, he needs to know whether their group has successfully sneaked into the final position.

In less than two minutes, Daxie’s voice came low. “Complete the eastward sneak into the position, there are about three or four rows of troops, the devil, I suspect that the command center is in the final position.”

As long as he enters the position, Li Lannian has not yet moved the idea of ​​a “command center”. However, in order to prevent accidents, he must pay attention. “Clarify the position of the command center and send people to keep an eye on it.”

“The snow squad is very likely to sneak into it. Once it hits the direct confrontation, the peripheral vigilance prevents people from being chilled.”

Li Yinian, who has not yet entered the final position, has not hesitated, and immediately deployed a problem that is likely to arise.

Tonight is a big battle, and it is also the high (tidal) of the entire match. It is not impossible for the command center to be in the final position. See which team finds the position of the command center in advance.

The voice of the scout came from the headset. “There is an electronic eye with an infrared sensor. Infrared I remove it first and solve the alarm. The electronic eye is kept. I give the position to you, and the brothers all avoid it.”

Infrared sensors are just an inductive device. Their camouflage has a new anti-anti-UV coating called “maleic anhydride”, which has become a display for them.

However, it is good to be disassembled, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

The electronic eyes are not solved. They don’t have shielding devices on them. Once the electronic eyes fail, the soldiers who guard the electronic eyes must be artificially destroyed. This is a shock to the officers and men stationed in the final position, and the senior leaders in the command center. will.

With the end of the communication, Li Xiaonian said to Ye Jian: “Do not disturb them, go straight around.”

He is somewhat different from Xia Jinyuan’s combat style. It is estimated to be the cause of underwater operations. Therefore, he pays more attention to the soaking operation. Without disturbing any sentinel, he will silently touch the inside to carry out destructive operations.

At this time, Ye Jane must have listened to the commander’s arrangement, nodded gently, and squatted with him in the snow waiting for the four patrol soldiers to leave.

In the process of waiting, Ye simply couldn’t help but think of Xia Jinyuan’s side, and I don’t know what happened to them. At this time, I’m already on a certain hill, staring at the final position like a wolf.

They prefer to directly assassinate. Once the sentinel is found, it will only be solved directly. It will not let go of one person, and it will be cleaned up without leaving any traces.

Originally intended to write an unmanned reconnaissance plane, I suddenly thought that there was no micro drone in 1999, which is similar to the current aerial drone. I originally wrote more than 2,000 drafts because of a miniature unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Make mistakes, delete all, delete all, delete all…

(End of this chapter)

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