Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1658 - Whereabouts exposure

Chapter 1658 Traces exposure

How do you feel that his combat plan is to go directly to the command center to catch them?

“Report, Group B enters the periphery of the command center!”

“The peripheral sentinels were controlled and four B-group players entered.”

“Infrared sensing was destroyed and two Group B players entered.”

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Xia Shao took six members of the Snowy Group to pick up the tent curtain and enter the command center. When they entered, they were flashed by the white light, and they could not help but cover their hands.

The commander of the navy has already laughed. “Well, you are a Q king. You have been touched by the command center. You have really touched the wrong place. This is not the place where you fight.”

Xia Jinyuan, who has completed the salute, smiled and replied, “I just want to borrow and borrow the command center.”

“Borrow the command center?” The naval commander did not understand. He didn’t know what medicine was in his gourd. “What do you want to do? There is no weapon to lend you here.”

The Major General of the Army also got up. Despite the seriousness of his face, the smile in his eyes could not be concealed. “Since you touched it directly, we will fall into a position here, give you five minutes, and run away.” ”

“Yes!” Xia Jinyuan once again honored the military ceremony. Then, the slender legs went straight to the front of a technical soldier operating the console. “Brother, borrow five minutes, thank you.”

The Z7 that followed was only waiting for the technical soldiers to get up and wait for the horse to sit down.

The technical soldiers did not stand up immediately, but first asked the generals, got the nod and then stood up, finished, and whispered with less confidence: “The new console, you don’t press.”

The instruments and equipment of the entire command center are not generally expensive. They can’t be picked up without a seven-digit number. The technical soldiers are more worried about them than they are waiting for their ancestors, and they are afraid of something wrong.

Z7 Han Wei took a shot on the shoulder of the technical soldier and solemnly said: “Reassured, brother, broke you despite taking my head.”

“Less grinding, fast.” Xia Jinyuan directly put him to the position to sit down, “Take me the position of the blue bird, call out the final combat position, K7, draw! T6, V8 cut into group A wireless communication, complete tapping.”

The G3 is responsible for alerting to prevent the storm commando from being touched.

Xia Jinyuan sat down by himself, and the combat gloves were taken down and placed on the side of the console. Only the slender fingers were “啪啪啪” inputting a string of instructions on the keyboard, and then the left hand was moved on the console. Moved, all the electronic eyes were transferred by him.

I don’t know how many electronic eyes of the number captured a flash of black shadow. Xia Jinyuan squinted at the eye, this image is a scout in the water ghost, and this one, he has to see where it is.

A technical soldier next to him looked at the special forces wearing the snow camouflage uniforms and flicked their fingers. They were skilled in operating the instruments and saw that they were all stunned.

This situation, at a glance, knows that these instruments are more familiar than their technical personnel.

“Devil, I am afraid of exposure here, the electronic eye is shaking, it is estimated to capture me.” The scout from the storm commando, the water ghost codenamed “Seathorn” quickly searched for new shelters, “they entered the command The center has been in the center for two minutes. I have not heard the sound of fighting in it. Devil, you have not guessed. The command center is not our final position.”

Li Yannian glanced at the blue bird who walked in front of him. If it was confirmed that it was not the final position, then… Xia Jinyuan entered the command center and was afraid to search for the blue bird.

Today’s update is complete, then there are five thousand updates, and New Year’s Day is also five thousand updates.

(End of this chapter)

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