Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1660 - Oh, I think so beautiful.

Chapter 1660, oh, think really beautiful

In this way, their future training is very likely to be harsh and cruel. Think about it that day, ha, haha, hahaha…, it hurts.

However, the senior generals in the command center are somewhat puzzled by the arrival of Xia Jinjin. The whole movement is to contact the team that is against them.

There was no dialogue throughout the whole process, and it was around the Jade Bird.

The generals of the army tightened their brows and slightly indulged the civilian road to the side. “Check the trajectory of the bluebird and look at the electronic eye.” Xia Jinyuan’s words revealed too much meaning. The blue bird does not need protection. Of course, as a single How can a special commander in a warfare need to be protected?

She should not be protected, but should protect each other with her comrades.

In the last sentence, he said that the bluebird was tidy and how did the blue bird owe it?

When I arrived at the command center’s site, I finished my life and patted my **** and left, but I didn’t explain the explanation. Let them guess and guess here, and wonder why the bluebird is tidy.

“Do not pick up the electronic eye, contact me directly, team B captain.” Major General Lu did not want to detour, directly let the technical soldiers contact Xia Jinjin.

Xia Jinyuan, who has already left, has not concealed, and reported the ins and outs of the matter to the Major General of the Army. After completing it, he added: “If you don’t wear it, there is too little experience in her individual combat. I need to teach her to learn from the failure of individual combat. For the female soldier, what kind of cruelness she can face, captive, can never be treated preferentially.”

In particular, being captured by criminals who are internationally organized and disciplined and have their own set of rules, there is no such thing as “privilege to be captured”. Nothing should be physically injured or allowed for any medical or scientific experiment. Atrocities, intimidation, insults, and other conventions and regulations will not be observed by criminal groups.

Don’t say they won’t follow, and some countries won’t follow it!

It’s for you to catch you and eat well, oh, think really beautiful!

The Major General of the Army was silent. This matter was indeed a mistake made by Ye Jian. He then told him: “Don’t come up with your set and give a certain lesson. I haven’t officially joined the army yet, just a military school student. “”

“She has not yet been systematically and professionally trained, and has accepted various assessments from the Snowy Brigade. I can’t rush to make a mistake. If I make a mistake, I still have to be punished, but you have to have a degree, understand that there is no “”

Xia Jinyuan should have come down, but the look in his eyes is a little cold.

His girlfriend made a mistake, he will not go to cover up, and will not conceal his superiors for this.

The girlfriend made a mistake. As a boyfriend, he was responsible for letting her realize her mistakes and let her swallow the bitter fruit of her mistakes!

The error appeared. There is no such thing as “repeated repeated crimes” in his dictionary. The first time it appears, it will definitely die without ruthlessness, and there will be no chance of a second appearance.

The leaves of Jane Ming did not feel very cold, because of the inexplicable chill, and then the crisis brought from the previous life was like an avalanche, and she suddenly stopped.

“How?” Li Yannian was keenly aware of her anomaly and asked her directly, “Is there a situation?”

The squint of the corner of the corner of the mouth has been searched around, there is no abnormality, and there is no abnormality in the stalking. The chill is coming… somehow.

No, no, it’s not inexplicable.

If you kill the white crane, if the summer team knows… What is waiting for her?

Investing in the monthly ticket, entering the monthly ticket group, grabbing the red envelope at night on the 31st… There will be red packets of raindrops, there will be red packets of raindrops. Monthly ticket red envelope group: 472818474

(End of this chapter)

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