Chapter 1666 catching a bird

The sound of the guns on the side of the ear has not disappeared. Then the second, third and third shots are coming to the ground. Ye Jian, who has already run fast enough, suddenly speeds up again, and then screams like a motor. .

Then, the whole person is like a swimming swimmer jumping into the swimming pool. The posture is extremely elegant, and it is extremely powerful to skip a tree that has fallen to the ground, and the floor is rolling and blind.

“Hidden!” Xia Jinyuan sees this, directly drink low to remind T6, pigeons, he knows that she is going to counterattack!

There are rifles and pistols on her body. As for the bomb capacity, it is not known, but one thing is certain, there is absolutely no more than three of them!

The pigeons and T6 tumbling directly in the snow, avoiding the blind bullets used by the leaves for suppression, and the pigeons behind the trees whispered softly: “It is a blue bird, it is quite difficult to deal with, Q Wang, 咱 three can take her Live catching?”

“She is too familiar with the terrain, and she has not run a wrong step. She is running away, but it is equivalent to the escape route we are chasing her setting, chasing her instead of following our previous design route. Hunting for her.”

It’s a bit like the feeling of walking with the nose.

Xia Jinyuan replied, “Is it only five minutes in the past, I want to catch the blue bird within five minutes? Do you think it is really catching a “bird”? The blue bird, the predecessor of the phoenix, do you understand?”

“Phoenix is ​​also a bird.” T5 answered with a serious answer, “I feel that I am catching a bird, it is a bit difficult to catch.”

This is to say, let the pigeons laugh and dare not laugh.

“You have to catch her, this time go back to give you ten days off, let you go after the girlfriend!” Xia Jinyuan generous, directly throwing these bait to let T6 willingly hooked, only to hear him brave and fearless in the headset Road: “Come on, Q King, what is your order!”

Xia Jinyuan is not welcome. “You directly move the fire to suppress, I attacked with the pigeons, the bullets are not too polite, don’t waste too much, don’t hit the tracer at the end.”

“Good to say! Good to say! Xiaoye I still have two magazines, bullets are enough.” T6 smiled, laughing, half-hidden hidden he directly set up a rifle, quickly cover his comrades.

Ye Jian will not fight the bullets with them. Three people chase her. Only one person fires. It is obvious that she wants to exhaust all her bullets, so that the three of them can catch themselves.

The slightly cold-eyed leaves were tightly closed, and the pistol continued to shoot four shots and then did not hide in place. Instead, they carefully moved and continued to run.

All of them ran downhill, and their feet were stuck in the snow. They could not stop, and they tried their best to run south.

She can’t stop, stop and be besieged!

“Running again, she is not a bird, it is a rabbit.” T6 stunned. “Not a Q king, why are we chasing after this? J5 over the devil, don’t lose.”

The pigeon that chased the leg and returned to him, “Now you have to consume the physical strength of the blue bird, the bullet, and the captive in your hand will not lose!”

Xia Jinyuan did not answer, and his strides and his military boots stepped into the snow, and when he pulled out, he felt suffocated.

The blue bird, which was jointly cultivated by a first-class sergeant and a world-class sniper, was caught by the three of them if they were less than ten minutes old. Then she was not the pride of all, and she lived up to the roots. Chen Shu’s expectations.

At this time, the leaf is simple and clear to realize that being a special soldier, when you are forced to do so, do not confront the enemy. If you can carry out the assassination, you must assassinate it. This is a wise move.

(End of this chapter)

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