Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1668 - The most embarrassing boyfriend (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1668 The most elder boyfriend (seeking a monthly pass)

Arranging the action of the five-person group, J5 said to all the comrades: “There are no special circumstances. They are too far away from the other. The water brothers are used to the water and like to put cold guns behind them.”

In fact, they also like to put cold guns behind them. The difference is that they like to directly touch the past, use the dagger to solve directly, or both hands to cover the enemy’s head and then twist it, the cervical spine dislocation does not need to solve the bleeding.

The Snowy Brigade arranged for “hunting” deployments. The same was true for Li Xiaonian. It seems that only one person from the storm commando team is acting. In fact, there is still one person who is always waiting in the dark for an opportunity.

Underwater combat is different from land combat. When underwater combat, the water ghosts never act alone, they must have two people to act, and the other one is in the dark and cooperate with each other to complete the battle.

Li Yinian is now in Ming, while the side of the big whale is dark, and the two move back and forth to find the goal of “hunting.”

His communication with Ye Jian has been cut off. It is Ye Jian who actively cut off the communicator. Now he has not contacted himself. It is still not seen.

Q Wang personally caught the blue bird, and the blue bird was afraid that he would be connected to the storm assault team and the communicator was closed…. He must seize the time to kill more than a few members of the snow group, so that it is worthy of the blue bird. The pay.

What he didn’t know was that Ye Jian had been completely blocked at this time.

When Ye Jian saw that he was about four meters away from the front, standing in the snow, his figure was straight and the pupil was shrinking. At the same time, there was a ray of light in the darkness of the black, and the Xia team actually came to block himself!

When is the match with him?

Yes, at the age of fourteen, she trained in the forest with the soldiers of the Fujun Township. The summer team suddenly broke into that time.

After so many years, Ye Jian can clearly remember every minute and every second.

“There is no way to escape, the blue bird.” Xia Jinyuan faintly opened, his eyes coldly watching the female soldier who was guilty of falsification, there is no trace of gentleness in the black scorpion, “The next step is to become a “captive”. Experience what it would be like to be a prisoner.”

His voice is very cold and cold, there is no trace of gentleness, and there is no gentleness in communicating with himself in his usual life, because this is on the battlefield, and now they are antagonistic and hostile!

Then he gestured to the T6 and the pigeons that were copied. I saw three people and one point, and the triangle-like leaves were close.

“Blue Bird, there are no acquaintances on the battlefield. Those who are familiar with each other are enemies as long as the camp is different. As an enemy, we will not be treated because you are a person we know and you are a female soldier.”

“There is only one truth in the battlefield, who wins and loses the truth!” Xia Jinyuan walked and said faintly, every word was chilling, and every word was filled with indifference.

The distance between the four people is getting closer and closer, and the leaf that is tight at the corner of the mouth can’t help but touch the left wrist…. The silver wire has not been used for a long time.

In the end, the frontal confrontation, three people have two punches, one person out of the leg, really did not have a half-face full attack on Ye Jian.

From the very beginning, this battle was a battle of disparity in numbers and strengths. But Ye Jian is not a hard bone. If there is no way to escape, then he will fight hard and win a murder for himself!

Fengyun list, the top ten Qingyun would not dare to think, let’s hold the top ten position of the current list, and then guard the top three positions of the December monthly ticket list, so it depends on the little goblins.

The red envelope group has a group rule, and the group must look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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