Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1670 - Still not confessing (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1670 does not admit defeat (seeking a monthly pass)

At this time, Ye Jian has entered the state of confrontation between the enemy and the enemy, and took out his true ability to become an enemy three!

If he still holds the mentality of everyone is an acquaintance, the first one to kill is himself.

What’s more, her goal is herself.

The pigeons in my heart are no longer influenced by personal feelings.

At this point, Xia Jinyuan’s eyes only had a smile, very good, besieged can quickly find a weak attack, indicating that she did not panic, has remained calm.

So let him see what she can do!

“T6, blocking her retreat!” The cold-faced ruthless Xia Major did not remember that he was still a boyfriend of the female soldier.

He now has only one purpose: to teach this female soldier who owes a lesson! Let her long memory!

As a versatile soldier, Xia Jinyuan’s close combat is not bad. See Ye Jian’s attack on the pigeons as a breakthrough. He punches his own comrades. His fists will be aligned with Ye Jian’s shoulders.

Ye Jian did not pay attention to his offense, and the side kicked to the left and right sides of the pigeons. She suddenly took a left hand like something, and when she jumped forward, she changed her life and the fighter suddenly reversed!

The pigeons only felt that the back of the neck had an icy thing like a soft silk, and then they saw that Ye Jian’s right hand was pulled. In the blink of an eye, his neck was stretched by the foreign body wrapped up.

Subconsciously, the pigeons wanted to tear off the foreign objects that entangled the neck with one hand. As a result, the thing turned out to be thin and slippery. There was no way to pull it out by hand.

At the same time, Ye Jian’s shoulder was also smashed by Xia Jinyuan’s fist, and the T6 was kicked in the middle of Jane’s knee.

The moment when Ye Jian, who was attacked from the top and bottom, released the silver wire in his hand, the whole person was knocked down in the snow by two special forces.

This is the case, Ye Jian is not the kind of heavy objects that can not be moved, but the rapid elbow support rolling continuously from the snow.

“I was solved.” The pigeon took off the things wrapped around his neck. Just now, if Ye Jian didn’t loose his hand when he fell to the ground, he was afraid that he would be overtaken by this thing.

The suffocation is not enough, he is not so easy to solve, but if it is on the battlefield, Ye Jian will certainly not let go of the opportunity to solve the enemy.

Xia Jinyuan had some unexpected “squeaky” sounds. Not bad, in this case she can solve the pigeons, not only calm, but also know the plan.

“Yes, keep going.” He said lowly, not waiting for the snow-covered Ye Jian to get up, like the wild wolf eating and starting to attack Ye Jian again, the continuous rolling of Jane was forced to be extremely embarrassed by him.

When his military boots kicked in the middle of his back, Ye Jian thought that he would spurt a blood out.

That kind of pain is more fierce than the pain in training. It’s coming, it’s a long time, or it’s the pain of being kicked, just like holding down some of the most painful acupoints. God.

The brain receives the pain transmitted by the neurons, and it makes the cerebral cortex of Ye Jian stretch to wear a helmet.

Twenty-seven minutes have passed since I was discovered. T6 and Xia Jinyuan have clipped and attacked the leaves before and after. The fists and thighs of the two men fell to Ye Jian, and they did not chaos and kick. All of them have technical content. I don’t remember how many times I rolled in the snow. When I rolled over and stood up, I still tried my best to fight back.

“Don’t admit defeat?” Xia Jinyuan asked with a smile, and his fist smashed toward Ye Jian’s face. Little fox, you dare to use your own life to test the white crane. Now, do you dare to use the same tricks to test?

The last day of 2016, the military army started from February to December, and the goblins accompanied it from the first to the thousand words to more than one hundred and seven hundred words. It is your genuine subscription and support that has come to this day. Qingyun is very grateful to the goblin who is always with him.

All the way to laugh, all the way to grow, the army has less of you and wonderful, 2017 is more perfect for you!

I saw you at night.

(End of this chapter)

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