Chapter 1679 How to confess

Drug allergies Skin and mucous membrane performance is the most common symptom. The skin flushing on the leaves is the most common one. She has not eaten in her life, but she has no symptoms. I know that in this life, she really I have never thought that eating a tablet of antipyretics will be allergic.

“The head is a little uncomfortable.” Ye Jian, who had been burned, touched his forehead. Without waiting for the military doctor to come over, she left K7 with such a sentence, and then she slept “sleeping” in the past. I didn’t know what happened outside.

K7 recalled afterwards, he said that he had at least three seconds of blanks in his head, and thought that… Ye simple anaphylactic shock.

It’s always cold, the whole team unanimously thinks that it’s out of the dust, and the k7 that has become a fairy has been panicked at this moment. Fortunately, the psychological quality is excellent, and there is no panic to be overwhelmed. The first action is to look at the pupil of Ye Jian. Feedback to the team about Ye Jian.

When the Major General of the Army and the Commander of the Navy listened to Ye Jian, the situation was very bad. Instead of simply sending military doctors in the past, they immediately contacted the helicopter group and directly sent Ye Jian to the hospital for treatment.

The members of the Snowy Brigade and the Storm Commando were all sullen, but they couldn’t have all of them rushed to Ye Jian, and the whole team was transferred to the meeting point after the match.

From the mountain rushing to the summer and the summer has not yet ran to the lower part of the foothills, they saw the front searchlights lit up, K7 holding his head softly, his hands are soft and falling leaves from the bottom up, stepping on the thick snow .

“Ye Jian!” This scene makes the iron-clad special forces look at each other. The habitual expression is like a complete white paper, which is torn into two halves. It is no longer elegant at any time. Full of young and precious young masters.

The hard-running k7 heard the familiar but lost calm voice, and the tight expression eased a lot.

The two people will be much faster together.

Then, he saw that the captain of the captain who was calm at any time on weekdays suddenly had a squat, and he rolled all the way from the heights.

K7 tightened his mouth and now knows anxious. When he was playing, he didn’t pay attention to Ye Jian’s situation? !

Xia Jinyuan, whose knees are weak, rolled down in a posture he had never had before, and he stopped to stand up after waiting for a lot of collision.

At this time, Xia Jinyuan was not a general wolverine. When he was snowing, he climbed up and jumped from the slope. He ran for a few meters and stood in front of k7. “I fainted, or slept!”

He opened his mouth with a soft knee, and there was a shudder in the cold voice.

Rolling down from the uphill, the huge impact did not make him dizzy, the brain remained very clear.

K7 did not immediately put Ye Jian into his extended arm, but crossed him, coldly reminded: “You take a picture of the snow on your body.”

The reaction of his comrades made Xia Jinyuan calm down and quickly smashed the snow that had been agglomerated on his body. He wore the helmet and took a few steps and rushed to K7, carefully holding the leaf.

When I lowered my head, I saw that the vivid face was innocent at this moment, and then I saw the swelling of her mouth and the mouth of Xia Jinyuan was even tighter.

“High fever, drug allergies, skin flushing, breathing rush… Initial diagnosis of skin allergies and respiratory allergies.” K7 said, his eyes glanced at his captain, and said: “Q Wang, you started this time, really enough Oh, she’s afraid that she’s not being embarrassed.”

“Q Wang, the captive plan did not say that you are so fierce.” Even k7 felt over.

(End of this chapter)

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