Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1687 - Folded for love (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 1687 is a fold for love (seeking a monthly ticket)

Let her always remember, small clever, self-righteous things are all taboos on the battlefield, a little careless, the bones are not saved!

Just, did not expect … to teach her into the hospital.

He did not regret to teach her, he once said that in the future they are not only a lover relationship, but also a comrade-in-arms relationship, comrades made mistakes, as a captain, he has the obligation and responsibility to let her suffer the consequences of making mistakes.

“Although I succeeded in being caught by a few of you, I still believe that Jade Bird will not propose any breakup.” The major summer school is not so easy to be hit, the faucet is directly washed with cold water and changed. Standing in front of his comrades in the jungle combat uniforms, he looked at the intimate and deep enthusiasm of his comrades. The dawn has the coldness of the ancient sword, and calmly said: “Although I believe that the bluebird will not break up, but As a boyfriend, I still have to apologize first.”

G3 twitched at the corner of his mouth, licking his look, and thought that he would not admit to Ye Jian if he killed him, saying that he regretted packing up her.

In the next second, the Almighty King will fold for love!

The comrades who were watching outside saw their captains stand tall and their heads were swollen, but they looked very calm. “You don’t have to be in the hospital, you go back to the reorganization and lead the team to the second training base.” “”

The hospital is not a force. Now, at 7:00 in the morning, there will be more and more people in the hospital. A group of people are all wearing war suits that are too conspicuous. It will become a goal for everyone to look at and must be left immediately.

“I will tell you the first time after Ye Jian wakes up, and will convey your concern to her, all of them, stand upright!”

After a minute, the whole team left. Han Han took a picture of his friend and his comrades’ shoulders. He said: “Let’s bow down and apologize. At this time, you have to pretend to be a grandson. Don’t be hard-hearted, be careful to take your own girlfriend. I lost it, let the other brothers smash it.”

As for the blue bird, if she is not a brother’s girlfriend, he wants to catch up!

T6 is even more sorrowful. “Jiaxin is her good friend. I was bleeding in my heart! At that time, how did I promise to go round the green bird with you? I am stupid?”

Q Wang Hao also talked about love, pulled his hand and kissed it, but it can be his own… The revolution was not successful, and it is still working hard. As long as I think of this place, T6 only feels that his heart is bleeding.

Xia Jinyuan sees this, “good heart” comfort, “Let your heart relax, don’t get it, why not lose it. You, what hurts the heart? How far is it, how far it is!”

Less come to scare him! He is not so good to be scared!

Ye Jian didn’t know that the summer major outside was swaying at the moment. When she burned to the faint, her brain gradually became clear, feeling like there was something to touch her own second, lying in the rescue room. Open your eyes and at the same time, your right hand is holding the nurse’s wrist


The nurse who was preparing to give the needle to the leaf was scared to almost let the syringe in his hand fall off, looked up subconsciously, and was stunned by the coldness that came out of Ye Jian’s eyes. The needle in the hand was still not shaking. Escape from the fate of falling, “Oh…” and fell to the floor.

When the doctor who heard the movement turned back, he saw that the patient had already awake, and even the doctor who had taken the sterile mask in the future could go to the bedside and smiled at the female patient: “Wake up so quickly? Do you feel better?” ?”

Yesterday, let the little goblins wait a long time, update it early today, then, we will see you later, and see how the summer majors admit their mistakes…

(End of this chapter)

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