Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1690 - A little bit wrong (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1690 is a bit too bad (seeking a monthly pass)

“My dad is in a hurry, listening to it seems to have told the old man, the old lady, and let go of the words, saying that I have to get rid of you, I can’t even return home.”

The lesser Xia Shao began to think about ways to apologize, … the first time I met to punish my comrades, and I have to apologize for this, he has no experience at all.

It doesn’t matter, let’s talk about the little fox that is reasonable, and then apologize.

Remember, you can’t say “I beat you, it’s for you.” If you owe it, remember to wait for the little fox to wake up and let him do it. He must do it.

G3 said that if they do this, there are women who are willing to follow them. It is definitely a blessing in their life. It is only a good girl in this life.

His girl, his little fox, is unique all over the world. After chasing it for so long, he could give up.

It is undeniable that the words of his comrades did affect his mood, but if he let him choose, I am sorry, little fox, his choice is still the same.

Any training in the army is prepared for the preparation of the war. It is a matter of tension, seriousness, and danger. Once it is divided into camps, it is the battle between the enemy and the enemy. It means that you are on the battlefield now.

Your every move will be the key to whether you can survive. He took her along the way, not to see her one day sacrifice for her own mistakes, but to think that the two men shoulder to shoulder and walk alive!

What he wants is that the two are alive!

When Ye Jian wakes up, there is no more drip, and some of her right hand side is quietly squatting. The curved back is like a cheetah hidden in a tree. As long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, it will immediately wake up and brighten. Sharp teeth.

The hand was gently moved, and the vigilant man jerked his head up, while the line of sight was precisely locked on Ye Jian’s face.

Three hours later, his little fox finally woke up.

I slept very well, and there was blood on my face at this time. The red lips that burned to the fascinating red eyes also faded a lot. When I wake up, I can see that her spirit is much better.

“I’m going to pour a glass of water.” He let go of her hand and carefully put it into the quilt. When he got up, he did not forget to bow down and kissed her softly to her forehead. “Let’s lie down, drink water and talk.” “”

Ye Jane rubbed his eyes and watched him pour water for himself. He tried the water temperature again, waiting for the cup to come and treat her as a baby, and holding her from the back to feed the water.

In the eyes of the blind man, he actually burned the dried leaf leaf and enjoyed his meticulous service. The black eye was obviously watching him and immediately notified the nurse and the doctor. After he finished, he sat down again and whispered: “Let’s lie down, Wait for the doctor to come over and check.”

“Xia team, you… it seems a bit too bad.” Ye Jian was very keenly aware of his cautiousness, and could not help but said: “Is there any big trick waiting for me?”

Hearing that Xia Jinyuan breathed a sigh, she was really afraid!

The doctor just knocked on the door, and he whispered: “When the doctor checks and leaves, let’s talk again. Also, don’t think about it, you need to be well rested now.”

The doctor who rushed over quickly asked the nurse to give Ye Jane a temperature, and then checked whether the rash on her arms, neck, back, etc. had subsided. After the examination, she smiled: “The rash on the body is gone, the temperature is also Down, it only takes a day off to see the situation.”

[New Year’s Day activities] Happy to attack, all go to the stairs, step on the stairs, there are coins in the bar, there are 999.9 pure gold coins, step on the book currency floor award by the currency, step on the gold coin floor, pure gold from Chow Tai Fook The gold coin is given to the lucky little fairy!

The top ten of the monthly ticket has already come out, and it will be announced together with the stepping on the building.

good night, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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