Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1693 - I have a little more dad.

Chapter 1693 has a little more dad

“It is day after day, perhaps the self-blame that exists throughout your life! Your comrades will blame yourself for not discovering in advance, and your combat command will blame yourself for not strengthening your training.”

“You sacrificed, but left more pain for your comrades. Is this what you want to see?”

Ye Jian clenched his teeth and took a few deep breaths to suppress the overwhelming emotions and keep the voice steadily answered. “No, this is the last thing I want to see!”

There is a blush on the corner of the leaf that is completely shaken. How can she be willing!

“Very good, remember what I said, and remember your identity! You are a soldier, a soldier who will fight for guns and fight with death all the time!” Commander-in-chief did not make a big thunder, I believe It must be understood by her understanding.

After the criticism, the voice of Commander-in-Chief eased down. In front, a military commander talked with the erring soldier. The next step was to talk to the future daughter-in-law.

In a flash, he even had a lot of sounds, “So let’s talk about your things with Xia Jinyuan.”

What about her and the summer team?

Although the voice of the Commander-in-Chief was kind enough, Ye Jian did not relax himself, “You said.”

A few words heard that the future daughter-in-law had a restraint on talking with herself. The commander-in-chief of summer sighed: “Small leaf, let me go to the military, I am actually your elder, you have to recognize this.”

You have to recognize this point… The identity change is too fierce, and Ye Jian scared almost to shake the phone into the sink.

Recognition, recognition, too recognized!

“Don’t be too restrained, just when I am your father, Dad talks with his daughter,” said Commander-in-Chief, not only to hear Ye Jian’s uncomfortableness, but also to hear her faint estrangement, the commander-in-chief who knows her life well. I didn’t get angry because of this, but I was very careful to enlighten me. “I will call me if I have any grievances in the future. This is my personal mobile phone number. You can remember it in your heart. If you have any unsatisfactory places, just tell your father directly.”

Ye Jian: “…” She seems to know why the summer team sometimes has a little bit of it, I am afraid that it is hereditary, and the commander of the summer is the father.

At the end of the mobile phone, Xia’s director continued to be kind and said: “I don’t have a daughter. I only have Xia Jinyuan’s stinky boy. I am strict with him because he is a man. As a man, he has to be responsible and responsible. And you It’s a girl, which girl is not in the palm of her hand.”

“But you are a soldier again. Dad has no way to treat you as a daughter who is really cute, but he will definitely treat you as a daughter who needs Dad’s concern and is aggrieved and needs Dad to come.”

Ye Jian, who had a heartfelt heart, heard it here, and his eyes were red.

Dad… She hasn’t called “Dad” for a long time. Listening to the voice of the commander-in-chief of Xia, Ye Jian only clenched his lower lip and did not let himself cry.

I have never had a family relationship in my life, and this generation of God seems to make her possession.

She is lucky in this life!

“Xiaoye, this summer and today’s handcuffs, Dad wants you not to blame him, your identity is destined to be different, the way to go, the bitterness of eating, the sin of the crime is also doomed to be different. As a special soldier, you Requires agility, fortitude, bravery, hardship, hardship, and self-discipline.”

(End of this chapter)

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