Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1695 - Awkward major (double monthly ticket)

Chapter 1695 Major of the 乖乖 (double monthly ticket request)

Waiting for Xia Jinjin to twist two porridges to see Ye Jian did not lie in the bed, put the porridge, he directly pushed open the bathroom, they saw a girlfriend’s eyelids slightly red, according to the mirror to look at the wound on the face.

This scene can stimulate him to take a breath of cold air, flashing a few big words in his mind: after the autumn! Really big things!

Hurry and think about what else needs to be done. You must be perfect. You must let the little fox see how sincere his apology is. I must let her forget that the injury on her is what he gave!

Ye Jian had seen him from the mirror, and saw the wound on his face. Then he looked at himself in the mirror, and remembered the words of Commander-in-Chief of Summer. He couldn’t help but smile and smirk.

Commander-in-chief Xia asked her how many injuries she had. She never asked the Xia team to have multiple injuries from beginning to end.

The boy’s face was disfigured, especially the nose and bones, and it was swollen. A girlfriend like her is estimated to be rare.

It seems to be played with the dagger handle. Now I think it is a bit regretful. What should I do if I hammer it into my eyes?

Holding the mentality of “stretching a knife and shrinking the head is also a knife”, when the major sitting next to him ate the porridge again, Ye Jian raised his hand and stopped, and immediately made a decision: “Xia team, then What punishment is waiting for me, you tell me directly.”

Xia Jinyuan only felt a bit soft in his knees. “You finish the porridge first, then we will say something else.”

Punish, he can’t dare, now is afraid that she has punishment for herself!

Seeing this, Ye Jian, who likes to smash the knives, passes the porridge bowl in his hand, and leans his head and drinks it directly like drinking water.

Return the bowl to his hand. “Okay, now you can say it!”

Xia Shaozhong wants to cry without tears. He also wants to feed porridge while taking the opportunity to apologize. Wherever he knows that his girlfriend does not give a chance, he does not need to feed himself to drink directly. He loses a chance to perform well.

I have always been calm, and the elegant summer school is seeing this. I will let go of the empty bowl in my hand, let’s start, and solve it in advance so that he won’t be embarrassed.

“Without punishment, the little fox, the match has ended, and the same captive plan has come to an end. You also paid a price for your actions and were punished. I believe that after this lesson, you will remember even if you encounter it on the battlefield.” To an acquaintance, as long as it is against the enemy, I must never try it out.”

His voice was very low and extremely serious. Ye Jian listened to the word without missing a half sentence.

For her, he paid a lot, she looked in her eyes, remembered in her heart, public and private, he has the responsibility of the military, but also the iron and blood tenderness of the soldiers.

“There are a lot of lessons for me this time. I think, I will never forget it in my life.” Ye Jian laughed and said, and gently raised his eyebrows and joked: “I don’t want to be my own male again.” The friend hit the hospital and lay down. This kind of thing, experienced enough.”

Xia Jinyuan, who has a slight jump in his eyes, secretly vents his breath. The dark black scorpion is full of affection. He gently holds the hand of Ye Jian with his hands. The faint lip of the coveted kiss kisses the back of her hand, and then slowly raises his head and then gaze at Ye Jian. The scorpion is low, and it is extraordinarily gentle. “I need to apologize to you.”

“I only apologize to you for the identity of my boyfriend. I have not taken good care of you. I have not protected you. This is my fault, it is my fault.”

Five thousand tonight, five thousand tonight, Qingyun needs to save the manuscript…

(End of this chapter)

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