Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1700 - Pit Friends Battle Team (double monthly ticket request)

Chapter 1700 Pit Friends Battle Team (double monthly ticket request)

The squatting leaf Jane grinned early, and he was really good for her.

The two worlds are human beings. She can understand what it means to be false and false. What is sincere?

In the past life, Ye Ying played the game of catching mice with himself. He did not directly give himself a break. He only teased her and oppressed her. When she found a job, she tried to make herself suffer and forced herself to have At that time, even the salary could not be obtained, and I had to pack my bags and leave.

There are many bad people and many good people. Because of this, she knows better, grateful, and knows the truth.

The Xia team is very self-blaming, she knows, but she is really not angry, not because of generosity, but not because of concessions, but because of understanding.

She doesn’t love people, and she doesn’t know how to love people. But people need to understand each other and understand each other. His identity, her identity, and the military, they need to understand each other more.

However, in life he dares to move a finger to her, oh, that is not so good to talk now!

There is a sentence from the commander-in-chief. She agrees that the summer team is indeed a smooth climber. Can’t let him go so easily, how can he be punished?

In addition to a bullet, she seems to have no idea what to do.

During the training of the laundry, the summer team helped her wash. At the end of the training, he also liked to face all the comrades in the face of the comrades. One of the things that had to be asked for her was to ask her to look for him. When he found him, he would pull it. When I went to the hidden place, I immediately became extraordinarily gentle, busy with her legs and shoulders.

He put his true heart in front of him, so she was so precious, she could not bear to pedal and go.

As the medicated oil is pushed open, the place of kick injury gradually changes from dull pain to burning. Slowly, the entire back begins to heat up and burn. As the back of his hand pushes the back of the heat, it begins to flow to the limbs, and then slowly Gathering into the brain, Ye Jian closed his eyes in a sly manner, haiku, “I want to sleep.”

“Sleep, sleep well.” Miss Xia, who was stunned by her injuries, lowered her head, and her thin lips fell a very gentle kiss on her slender, **** waist and limbs. “I have been there all the time.” I will stay with you all the time, sleep well, my baby.”

There is Xia Jinjin in the side, Ye Jian is really very reassuring, even sleep is very stable, her eyes closed and she is so relaxed, she went to sleep in less than a minute, and she slept very sweetly.

However, Xia Jinyuan’s mind could not calm down for a long time, and he could not forgive himself at this moment.

The comrades of the Snowy Brigade still don’t know that their captain has already passed the robbery. T6 is asking about the experienced Han Han: “Wooden will really break up with Q King?”

“I can’t be completely sure. After all, the bluebird is different from the average girl, but it is also possible!” Han Yu analyzed according to experience, “I will analyze half of my experience.”

Can’t hold the Q Wang’s lovable mouth! The Jade Bird is so simple, it is estimated that he will be turned back to his heart.

T6 heard the words, suddenly relieved, Jiaxin is also a girl who knows the book, if he knows that he has played Ye Jian, there must be 50% possibility to forgive himself.

With this in mind, the T6 was relaxed at once, and even the back of the seat was relaxed. “That’s good, then it’s good, just look at the performance of the Q King.”

As long as the Q king is good at Ye Jian, his business is not a big deal.

Looks like it is still double the monthly ticket…, I can ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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