Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1707 - That is my pleasure

Chapter 1707, that is my pleasure.

A quiet ward, quiet and complete relaxation of mind and body, all the way to the brain is empty, no trace of confusion, the mood is quiet and far away, away from all troubles.

Ye Jian, who had a smile in his mouth, did not see the man who worked hard to raise his head. The deep black scorpion contained gentleness that made people sink, and glanced at her deeply. The pressed lips slightly raised a smile arc. Continue to bow down and busy with the things in your hands.

The snow flutters outside the window, the ward is warm and spring, the two sit together, one is lying down, no one disturbs each other, but they remember each other in their hearts, enjoying the tranquility of the winter, and it is rare for them to spend time alone.

In the past, when the time was “Dripper”, the neck twisted to a bit sour, and Ye Jian once again turned his attention to the man who was still bowing his head. The man who was working hard saw his pressed corners have risen, showing that he was born with elegance. Smile.

His smile was very infectious, so Ye Jian could not help but grin.

The man holding the pen suddenly sighed and turned his head, turned his head and directly caught Ye Jian to look at his sight, and trimmed his eyebrows to reveal the dangerous and elegant smile that Ye Jian was most familiar with. “Little fox, you look at me like this, I have no way to concentrate on the office. It seems that my skin is so lovable that I will be fascinated by the little fox, and I will be fascinated after a while.

“How are you satisfied?”

He caught a little and no unnatural Ye Jian learned that he raised his eyebrows and nodded and answered seriously. “Not bad, handsome enough, most importantly temperament, beautiful and delicious!”

“Outstanding handsome, um, one of my strengths. The inside is also very handsome, but you still need to dig further to find out.” The face of the Great Wall is very rude to accept the praise, do not forget to give yourself another The gold is several layers thick. “The handsome looks, the inside is handsome, can my boyfriend like me be satisfied?”

If you run a train full of mouths, you can pull to the horizon.

But it is also very interesting. Ye Jian likes such a lively, active and intimate conversation, so that he feels that his life is so fresh and full of inexhaustible vitality.

After the fever, the color of the pink color of the lips is holding a smile, the bright eyes are like a spring, and the younger majors who are as happy as themselves are sparkling, Ye Jiandao: “For the time being, I am satisfied. But occasionally there are also dereliction of duty, it does not matter, my boyfriend needs to adjust slowly, I will adjust the major into what I like.”

“That is my privilege.” Xia Jinyuan has masculinity, but it is not the kind of feudal masculinity that must be respected by the husband. It is better to say that he is willing to change himself for her.

It is a happy thing to change yourself for someone you love.

Ye Jian sees this, holding the quilt and laughing more cheerfully.

The shimmering eyes flashed, and it was like a sly fox, so that Xia Jinyuan felt that her hair was so cute.

She is not so courageous to adjust the church hall.

She was happy to bend her eyes, and Xia Jinyuan felt that she was as sweet as honey. He raised his hand and looked at his watch, and his brow could not help but wrinkle.

It’s so late!

I quickly packed up the paper and notebook on my feet, and said to Ye: “Hungry, I am going to the canteen to play glutinous rice porridge, longan porridge, and the doctor told me when I was in the house. I can only give you a drink today.” Porridge, wait until tomorrow to add rice, oil and salt.”

(End of this chapter)

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