Chapter 1717

Liu Qian and Yan Zhengwei, who were facing each other, did not find Ye Zhifan until there was a surprise “Liu Tuan” behind them. When they turned around, they saw Ye Zhifan striding forward and his face was quite surprised. Come over.

Why is he here? Also ran to the operating room here? Do you know that Lao Chen is not feeling well?

Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengzheng both looked at each other without a trace, and their faces showed a slight convergence, showing a bit of chill.

They really don’t have a good impression of Ye Zhifan. Presumably, he also understands in his own heart, how can there be such a thick face and say hello to them?

This leaf director is really a personal talent.

Ye Zhifan has already recognized who is quite familiar with the tall figure, and he is more and more sure that there is a military district leader lying in the operating room.

“Liu Tuan, Yan Zhengwei, how do the two stand outside the operating room? But is there a leadership body?” For so many years, Ye Zhifan’s face is not thick, he has seen two people standing opposite each other. I don’t welcome myself, but what about it?

They don’t smile, they are soldiers, how can they be in the hospital?

I only need to let them know that he really wants to fix the relationship, can chat with the air, eat a meal and the like. “You said to him.” Liu Tuan did not want to talk to him. He directly said to the political commissar: “This kind of thing, you are relieved when you are out of the way. Say a few words to send him away, save you from standing here.”

“Old Chen doesn’t like him. He has to send him away before he comes out.”

The head of the group Liu spoke and turned to Ye Zhifan slightly decapitated, and turned back to the two new soldiers who were preparing to leave: “All went back to the army and saw Yue Lianchang let him bring people as soon as possible.”

“Yes, the head!” The two recruits stood upright, saluted, and walked neatly.

Ye Zhifan will not put these conscripts in his eyes, but he will also stand on one side and smile slightly toward the two recruits. When they pass by, they will say to Yan Zheng: “The two soldiers brought out the troops.” It’s not the same. It looks like a recruit. It’s like a veteran who has been a teenager for a few years.”

He would be close to him, but he also had to look at the political commissar’s willingness to be with him.

It is a pity that the political commissar of the ruling party did not make an impression on Ye Zhifan. He could be a polite person in exchange for others, but he was not so patient in the face of Ye Zhifan. He said with a smile: “Is there anything wrong with Secretary Ye? The Secretary is going to be busy, I have to deal with something with Lao Liu.”

This is the meaning of driving away.

Ye Zhifan, whose eyes are slightly dull, is a little annoyed. Is it a political commissar? What spectrum is in front of him!

Became the director, Ye Zhifan’s temper has also risen a lot, and the flattering words are heard. The people below are also holding, respect, where can you get angry? But he also has the heart to repair the relationship with the local troops, and then he has to endure it.

Ruan said: “Nothing, my old mother has been in the hospital for a stroke. When I am ready to go, I will see Liu’s head in the elevator. I will come and say hello.”

“There are two leaders and friends in the operating room? I have a lot of friendship with the president of the hospital. Otherwise, I will give the president a lot of care and care?”

The political sneer of the sneer is not too slow: “A friend, a digestive thing, a small matter. Secretary Ye is still going to accompany the elderly.”

(End of this chapter)

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