Chapter 1719 is too shameless!

But what he didn’t think was that the hospital did not register Chen’s principal with too much personal information. The signatory of the operation was a soldier named “Yue”. The surgical registration information was only the name and age, and there was no other information. .

The more so, the more Ye Zhifan doubts that Chan’s head is not simple, but the fact that he is a member of the army does not have the power to investigate.

However, since he guessed that he had come, the relationship… Ye Zhifan couldn’t help but blink his eyes. He had to think about how to fix it.

How to fix it? It still takes a little thought.

Back to the car, Ye Zhifan was a meditation on his face. Instead of igniting the car, he took out a cigarette and ignited it slowly, completely ignoring Sun Dongqing, who was sitting in the co-pilot position.

Sun Dongqing, who had just finished talking with her daughter, couldn’t stand it anymore. Seeing this, cold face yin and yang asked, “Why, what did you say to the old man? Oh, Ye Zhifan, if you heard her half sentence Then, you are really a fool.”

“Chen Dongfeng’s stomach bleeding is under operation. You go back to prepare for tonic. I will come to the hospital to visit him tomorrow.” Ye Zhifan seems to think of how to repair the relationship, directly to Sun Dongqing: “I remember there are two boxes of Cordyceps, this is for me.” take it out.”

Sun Dongqing, who was already annoyed in his heart, immediately angered his face and screamed. “You are crazy! You are reluctant to eat, and you give it to Chen Dongfeng!”

She was a little anxious, and she coughed several times in a row, coughing her neck and getting red and not forgetting to use her eyes to lick her husband.

“Chen Dongfeng is a little bit eager to pull Ye Jian down. I will try to start from him.” Ye Zhifan slammed his wife coldly and started the car slowly driving out of the hospital. “Since we have no way to move the leaves now.” Jane, let’s start with her.”

Such a reason, Sun Dongqing can accept it, and thinks that it is unlikely. “You really dare to think that he doesn’t know how much he cares about Ye Jian, and he wants to start from him? It’s whimsical.”

“I have to give it a try.” There is no common language with his wife. Ye Zhifan said that he had no interest in one or two sentences.

Sun Dongqing sees what he thinks in his heart, and his mouth whispered coldly, and he stopped talking about anything.

Wherever he goes, wherever he goes, those things are sent by others.

When the two husbands walked to this step, it can be seen how thin the husband and wife are. If there is no Ye Ying in the middle, adjust the adjustment from time to time, so that Ye Zhifan can still remember the bitterness of Sun Dongqing when he was young. With his current day, he can divorce. Don’t worry.

The southern province that has been continuously clearing has entered the night and there is a cold moon hanging high. A military airport in Sichuan Province has snowed up again. Xia Jinyuan pulled the leaf on the helicopter and immediately reached for the snow on her shoulder. “Four hours.” After gathering with them, you put a coat on your back for a night.”

It takes only about four hours to get to the territory from them, but now the speed of the snow helicopter is a little slower, and at the latest is four and a half hours.

After waiting for the helicopter to be assembled with all the players, the two had no need to take a break and immediately set off for the Gobi.

I slept for a day during the day. I really didn’t have any sleepiness at this time. I was very good at this time. I know that if she didn’t sleep, Xia Jinyuan would accompany her, and she would just let him rest.

…… owes a thousand today, after the annual meeting…

(End of this chapter)

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