Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1723 - Will you be afraid of dogs?

Chapter 1723 will be afraid of dogs?

Military dogs are large dogs with high IQ and special training, and Ye Jian is just a dog.

Looking at the whole training program, even if there is no difficulty in the latter, there is no “striking dog tracking, search” on the first page to be shocked.

It is said that it was right to be bitten by a snake and ten years of grass rope. This sentence is correct.

The difference is that it is not a snake but a dog.

At the age of six, Ye Ying saw a small milk dog in a neighbor’s house who had not yet left the nest. The relationship between the hostess’s mistress and Sun Dongqing was not harmonious. Ye Yingyue wanted it, and the family would not want to give it.

Sun Dongqing was reluctant to marry her daughter, and she was a little angry. The hostess of the neighbor’s house was also a pungent temper. After listening to it, she went back and said that Ye Ying couldn’t see the good things of other people’s family. When she saw it, she wanted to go back. The heart is like the needle tip, not giving no trouble, no education.

How can Sun Dongqing, who has always been a short guardian, accept Ye Ying’s beggars, took the broom and rushed to fight, and also fought a family for a milk dog, and the two also turned their faces completely, but Ye Ying did not stop, still clamoring for .

Sun Dongqing couldn’t help but thought of a way… As the car swayed the leaf and touched the thigh, the corner of the mouth was slightly tightened.

When she was a child, she was afraid of Sun Dongqing. She was afraid that she would be beaten by Sun Dongqing and went to the neighbor’s house to steal a small milk dog and return it to Ye Ying. As a result, she picked up the little milk dog and the **** rushed out from the side to her leg. Take a bite on it.

Since then, she has been afraid of dogs, and has been afraid of the present.

The secretly adjusted Ye Jian returned the training materials to Li Yinian. Some smiled bitterly: “It’s a bit awkward. I am afraid of dogs. The military dogs sent out this time are still large dogs. I haven’t started yet. There is some sweat in it.”

In less than ten degrees, she has a thin layer of fluffy sweat in her palm.

Li Yinian did not feel surprised, looked at her, and said: “The anemone was afraid of dogs. I was afraid that no matter what dog I saw, even if it was a pet dog, he would go around. Now, become a scout. He has never been afraid of dogs. Are you afraid of being like him?”

He believes that it is not a big deal. Anyone will have their own “fear” things and things. Some people can choose not to touch the things and things they fear for life, but some people have to face until they win.

Ye Jian belongs to the latter. As a soldier, she must face and overcome.

Ye smiled deeper and sighed: “I am almost as scared as an anemone, no matter how big or small the dog is. I was bitten when I was young, and I am still afraid now.”

I didn’t think about concealing. This kind of thing can’t be concealed if I want to hide it, and I will face it soon. I need to report to my captain in advance.

“Psychological shadow?” His eyes have been very calm. Li Yannian said: “Exactly, see if this can be successfully overcome. Follow me, there is nothing to fear. Military dogs have been professionally trained and will not bite you directly. Will track and search.”

“And, the more you are afraid, the more closely the military dog ​​will follow you. Relax, just think about how to avoid tracking and searching.”

Things can only be so now, really want to be targeted by military dogs, she should not panic where.

When I came back, I went home to find the old uncle. I was also thrown into the forefoot by the Tibetan mastiff and put it on my shoulder. At that time my reaction was still quite calm.

(End of this chapter)

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