Chapter 1726 Test

Then, two other players panted and contacted all of their comrades: “There is a number 17 chasing us. It is likely to be the number number! The speed is very fast, we are racing against them now!”

Although it has spread, the atmosphere suddenly became extraordinarily tense.

Because no one can guess what chess under the military, it is completely impossible to guess!

Xia Jinyuan and Li Zhaonian are the same, and they can’t guess what the military department is going to do! The only thing that is certain is that there are definitely big moves, and it’s not a big move!

Dozens of military dogs are all out, they are just two people, even if there are only 24 military dogs, forty-four players for the two partners is twenty-two, 24 military dogs each Track two people and have 2 remaining.

In the heart of Ye Jian’s total, he whispered to Li Lan’s year: “Is the military planning to disperse all of us? Want to investigate the storm commando?”

As soon as she finished, Li Xiaonian blinked his eyes very shallowly, and he contacted his comrades on the gravel. “The attention of each group, after dispersing, does not need to find each group of players, and directly toward the final assembly.”

I can’t guess the plan of the military department. I can only take a step and take a step to reach the final gathering place and deal with the first day of Gobi training.

“The two teams are mixed, Devil, your coordinates are given to me.” Xia Jinyuan, who can’t guess what the military department has deployed, immediately said his point of view.

“According to my past experience, 90% of us entered the Gobi fishing and long-distance attack training subjects. It is not appropriate for the storm commando team to go to the gathering place.”

There is not so much time euphemistic expression, Xia Jinyuan directly speaks his own point of view.

As for the letter or not, it is Li Laiian.

Ye Jane looked at Li Mo Wang and whispered: “Q Wang They are the Army Special Forces. Their experience is far more abundant than ours. Devil, I think it can be mixed.”

“Each group sends coordinates and quickly completes the mix!” Li Yannian’s consideration is only the time when Ye Jian said a word. After the command is completed, he said to Xia Jinyuan: “Q Wang, if you still eliminate the score, you mix with us. Edited, it is highly likely to be scored.”

The military has already clearly told them that next year’s overseas competition is quite limited. Who can go abroad to compete for glory, depends on whether their achievements can be taken out!

The snow squad belongs to the army special team. The plateau, desert, and Gobi training have great advantages. If they want to compete, the chances of the storm commando team wanting to qualify are quite small. Twenty-two players can get three to five qualifying. , the probability is too big.

Xia Jinyuan positioned the position of Ye Jian, listened to the words of the devil, the thin lips slightly raised a little, the black color under the black goggles, the dull black sly smile, “Devil, our two teams are now a team, mixed It’s normal, it’s not normal if it’s not mixed.”

Why do you say that?

Because, next year, going abroad is a member of the two teams. It is certainly not just a member of the Snowy Brigade. Otherwise, there is no point in the merger of the two teams for so long.

Li Lannian quickly reacted and realized why Xia Jinyuan had to be mixed!

“Thank you for your reminder.” The Devil, who had not realized it before, immediately apologized and issued an order to the team members again. “Complete the mix, advance quickly, and report any situation in time.”

No matter how halfway, arriving at the destination is their first day’s goal.

(End of this chapter)

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