Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1739 - The kicking of the restaurant is coming.

Chapter 1739, the kicking of the restaurant is coming.

The rumors have already begun. The first sentry post was destroyed by four groups of assaults by the storm commando. They were all freehand and did not use high-end weapons.

“Addictive, enjoyable! This is a great job!”

Falling in the snow, there was no movement, and the mouth was talking about the veterans in the wolf team. He was finally struck by the counterattack and then “smeared” his neck.

The recruits next to him climbed up, and they wanted to stretch out the recruits, and finally the veterans who lost, and asked: “The company commander has waited for a long time, and he will definitely play very well.”

He was smeared from the back, silent, and hidden with the rattlesnake in the desert, a blow to the commandment, never again.

The veteran did not let him get up, a squid hit and stood up, laughing haha: “Of course, this is really a hard role! Absolutely all stunts, 18 martial arts are all proficient. More than our North Xinjiang troops , definitely not bad!”

Nature is not bad.

The Wolf Army is a company of the Northern Xinjiang Military Region. They are famous in the Northern Xinjiang Military Region. They are also famous for the special forces in several military regions. However, compared with the two special teams that exist as national swords, there is still a gap in strength. .

You must know that the selection of the snow squad team is selected from the special forces of the major military regions, or the top soldiers in the major military regions to choose.

The same is true for the Storm Commando. The elite in the elite is not so much in the elite of the upper military region.

As the famous combat troops of the Northern Xinjiang Military Region, the Wolf Army has always been the only ones who have played other people and never encountered being beaten by others.

When the company commander lost contact with the first and second sentiments, they knew that they had actually encountered a hard role this time. They were field forces. The most feared field troops were hard characters!

“If you come, you will be on the fist directly. Don’t grind it like the girl. The southern brothers have already brightened the sharp knife. We can polish the knife brighter and sharper. Don’t lose the Northern Military Region. Face, I can hear clearly!”

The company commander is a Heihe people. The authentic northern natives are born with a tongue-and-roll voice. Usually, the monks can take out the paragraphs. The entire company is trained and does not have repeated training.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the entire company’s soldiers were tightened.

“Mr. Zhuge” spoke up. “Gobi warfare is a region we are familiar with. The brothers in the south are not familiar with it. We have an advantage in the region. We have almost 100 people in the company, but they only have forty. From the number, we have an advantage, and the advantages of all parties occupy, there is still the possibility of winning. But…”

The words in front made the recruits of the Wolf Army multiply, but there was a “but” behind them, and the whole moment was hung up.

“But, obviously, the other party is also familiar with the Gobi battle, and is not afraid of heavy winds and heavy snow, so, brothers, this is a hard battle!”

Company commander: “…” Is it necessary for the goods to be analyzed one by one? Is this not disturbing the military?

After listening to Ye Jian, he quietly returned the earphone to the whistle of the fourth position that was tripped over. He whispered: “The person who speaks inside is your military division.”

The voice in front is so rough, it goes without saying that it is a company commander.

The staggered veteran’s mouth closed his mouth, and his hand smeared across his neck, indicating that he had hung up, no comment. But his heart is anxious, not a general anxiety.

Have a group of female soldiers? A group of female soldiers came to the shelf?

Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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