Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1741 - Major of Summer Major

Chapter 1741 Summer Major’s Outstanding

They complete the search in a “triangle” style, and each time a regional clearing is completed, it will be assembled at a certain point, and then searched in a large area.

This is a kind of search mode that is separate and scattered. It is also a problem that if there is a problem with a comrade, any comrade in the triangle can immediately support.

Ye Jian and the other members of the storm commando team completed the clearance. The two received the instructions of Xia Jinyuan, one responsible for the four-week vigilance, one responsible for the assault, and quickly rushed to the assembly point.

The two teams will not give the Wolfs a chance to fight bullets. Since it is a rumor, how can we let them decide? Let’s say that the wind and the heavy snow hit the bullets more waste, aiming at the head is not allowed, or close use Cold weapons or bare hands are the right thing to do.

From the judgment of the wreckage of the wreckage hills, it may be “the wolf army”. Xia Jinjin did not intend to cross the fire. The special forces of the major military regions, only the strength of the “Wolf Army” is in the forefront, and their gunshots are more advanced. .

One of the two has a long eye on the owl, and the gunman’s head has not said that it is not a big deal for them to complete the sniper!

Let them take the rifle that doesn’t know when the problem is going, and the famous “Wolf Army” that is famous for the gunshot, unless he and Xia Jinyuan’s brains get into the water to do the stupid thing.

“Devil, what is the situation on your side?” Waiting for Ye Jian to come over, Xia Jinyuan contacted the devil, and the devil was responsible for the return of the package, and he needed to detour to the front to fight back.

As a southerner in the country, Li Xiaonian encountered such a big snow when he entered the army to complete the special training. Later, when he was assigned to the navy, he never encountered it again.

It will happen at this time, giving him more or less some influence.

For example, the ear tip has been frozen to frostbite, and the flexibility of the hands and feet has decreased.

But as a special commander, these effects are nothing, and the wind and snow can’t stop him from taking the players forward.

“Fortunately, there are about four hundred meters from the destination.” He replied faintly, and at the same time, raised his hand toward the low and low pressure, indicating that the players were tight. In front, there are situations.

At that time, it was already six o’clock in the afternoon and the operation began for two hours.

Whether they can succumb to success depends mainly on whether all personnel can successfully pass through the hills. One cannot be less, and one less is a failure.

This is the military’s request for them.

Li Lannian completed the front-end response with a total of eight players including himself, mainly to save the clearance time for the players who came later, and also to sweep out a path for the players who came later.

When he found the situation, he directed the players to hide, and then spread the proximity, giving the opponent a heavy blow.

The snow is big, but the time is short, the snow on the ground is not too thick, and people fall from their shoulders, and they are sore and painful.

The fist collided with the fist, and it was impossible to know how many degrees of temperature could hit the bone into a comminuted fracture.

“Get in touch with the company commander and touch it!”

Some people dragged their footsteps in Li Yannian, and let their comrades quickly contact their own company commanders. These are the soldiers from the wolf army. They are all in one hand, and they are so strong that they can knock people down. A few steps.

Li Yannian was a soldier with communication equipment on his body. The slender body suddenly jumped up and leaped. It seemed like a snow leopard that had risen from the snow, and immediately hugged the soldiers and completed continuous rolling on the ground.

The action was done in one go, both fierce and smooth, and there was no chance for the soldier to contact their company commander.

In the evening, there is still at night.

(End of this chapter)

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