Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1748 - Have you, just peace

Chapter 1748, with you, you are peaceful.

The problem she couldn’t answer was given to him.

Chief Lian Jiang looked at the major who was younger but more powerful than himself. He knew very well that this was also a soldier who had passed the front line and killed the enemy.

Hey, he stood up. “Because it matters, I need to know clearly.”

“I know.” It belongs to the uniqueness of the troops. It cannot be copied, and it will not be easily spread. Xia Jinyuan expressed his understanding of Jiang’s cautiousness.

Ye Jianchao Jiang Lianchang smiled apologetically and got up and left.

For the handling of such things, Xia Jinyuan is naturally stronger than her.

How to explain, and how to prevent President Jiang from knowing that Chen Shu is still alive, with the ability of Xia Jinjin, can completely conceal the past and give Jiang a reasonable explanation.

She, I believe he will handle things well.

But this incident also gave her a wake-up call. After going back, she needed to learn the standard rifle gesture to avoid similar problems.

Chen Shu’s identity cannot be exposed. Even if he has “sacrificed” for more than ten years, he still needs to continue to conceal and not let others know Chen’s news.

After about ten minutes or so, Jiang Lianchang once again found Ye Jian. The 36-year-old iron-bone man looked at Ye Jian’s eyes and went to the wind like the northern part of May, with a bright warmth. “It’s just rude. You are a very good female soldier and I look forward to seeing you again on the training ground next time.”

Ye Jane saluted the company commander who was about to leave the returning army.

This is an iron-clad soldier. The wind and snow are so big that he has not bent. This is a soldier from the northern Xinjiang, like a poplar against the sand, guarding the frontier with a straight torso.

This is a respectable soldier. He dedicated his youth to this territory, which is poor, but belongs to the territory of our country. For decades, it is faithful, loyal, and eternal. The heart of the child has no complaints and guards the country.

The snow and snow covered their footsteps, and the figure in front of them had completely disappeared into sight. They walked in the last figure, carrying a rifle, and did not return. They followed the footsteps of their comrades in fearlessness. .

“The people of the northern Xinjiang who live here say that they are the patron saints in the military uniforms, and they have peace in their existence. Ye Jian, our existence, exists to guard the peace and tranquility of the people of the motherland. This is all the officers and men of the wolf army. Their beliefs are also the direction they have been insisting on.”

“Mr. Jiang asked me to convey a message to you, insist on the original belief, use this gun in your hand to guard this territory and fulfill the mission of being a soldier.”

The belief of all officers and men of the Wolf Army is a kind of inheritance. Chen Shu came out of this army, leaving a legend and leaving the dedication of being a generation of soldiers.

A generation passed down, even if the body disappears, the belief is like a permanent steel casting, never eternal.

When the group gathered out of the cave at 5 am the next day, the entire Gobi was white, like a forgotten world, and it was as quiet as it was.

Today they need to walk forty kilometers into the desert. After a night of storm storm commando team members saw the snow that had stopped, and their faces were not smiling.

They are not afraid of wind and snow, but there is a good weather and it is very good.

“The weather is good, suitable for walking.”

“There is still the sun, while walking, the sun is shining!”

“Is there still a burning knife? It’s better to drink it and go.”

A new day is coming, new training is coming, and the players who are having fun are so optimistic.

See you tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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