Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1753 - Do you believe in past lives?

Chapter 1753 Do you believe in past lives?

Ye Jian listened to his words, and there was a lot of enthusiasm in his heart. For a while, he whispered: “Xia team, do you believe that people have a lifetime?”

Those things are boring in my heart for a long time. I thought that they would push with time and forget with the heavy work. But I found that those who are blind, those shame will not be forgotten, but will only let it with the promotion of time. More fermented, moldy, and finally, like the bones of the bones, how can not be removed.

So, is it better to say it?

Can you say it and believe it?

Xia Jinyuan, who picked out a thorn, answered her. “You want to tell me, why is it late because of a dream?” The gaze was slightly lifted, and the searchlight on the helmet showed her beautiful face. The summer and the present can seem to see through. The deep heart of the human heart, but can not see the deepest secrets in front of his eyes, “first talk about what kind of nightmare.”

Ye Jian, who has grasped all his thoughts, looks at the man who has lowered his head to pick himself up. The straight lips are white and whispered: “Dream that you are being insulted.”


Xia Jinyuan, who had a meal in his hand, frowned and looked up at Ye Jian again. He calmly said, “Is it me?”

“No.” Ye Jian shook his head, and the bitterness in his heart only increased. If it was him… Ye Jian felt that he could still accept it. After all, he looked so pleasing.

I can’t know him before, but if he is, he will resist.

Xia Jinyuan, whose brow wrinkles more tightly, stopped his hand, and his eyes stared at his beloved girl for a moment. “If it wasn’t for me, who was it?”

There is only one major concern that does not know the truth: it is not dreaming that he is indecent, she dreams of other men!

“One…” Those memories were very painful, and it was so painful that if I recalled it a little, I felt my stomach tumbling, and I was so sick that she wanted to vomit. “A very disgusting guy.”

Xia Jinyuan has another skill, and it is impossible to guess that the dream that Ye Jian said is actually what happened in her life.

Therefore, he raised his hand and bounced his forehead. “If it wasn’t me, the blue bird, you can take out the dagger, silver wire, pistol, and rifle in your hand and kill him directly!”

When I finished, I didn’t feel relieved. “Don’t you kill him? If you don’t have it, continue to dream in the middle of the night, then let me dream, let me kill this guy!”

“Dare to be indecent, my girlfriend, look for death!” Even if it is a dream mirror, Xia Major also said that it is murderous.

The sad Ye Jian was so funny at him that he looked at him with a clear face. He smiled and replied: “I was killed, I plunged directly into the heart, and then pulled it out… I solved him. “”

“Yes, you have to do this, you don’t have to worry about it in your dreams. How do you solve it?” Xia Shaoshu was relieved.

Looking at his leaf Jane Jiao Yan’s smile is a lot deeper, with him, everything is so beautiful.

At this time, the principal of Chen who lived for a few days at the hospital had only one idea at this moment: discharged!

“Why can’t I leave the hospital? My own body, I know for myself, is there any problem that I still haven’t counted in my heart? Lao Yan, you have to listen to me!”

After a week of hospitalization, President Chen could no longer stay there. As long as he thought of the things in the army, he was eager to see the arrow, and he didn’t want to waste it for half a second.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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