Chapter 1765 National Colors

Ye Jian didn’t know how long she was alone. She only knew that when she heard the sound of the military boots walking on the gravel, she turned and saw the deep black squats of Xia Jinyuan with a shallow smile. Gently staring at myself.

She always knew that there was a sight in the distance that silently focused on herself, with compassion and tenderness, staring deeply at herself and encouraging herself.

Although he did not come over and he did not look back, he also knew who the owner of this line of sight was.

Because no one can look at himself as gently as he does, no one can know as he gives him the space to be alone. He knows her so much and always gives her just the right support and encouragement.

Ye Jian, who turned around, looked at his young major, and his eyes fixed his soft, black scorpion. Gradually, Ye smiled slightly.

As Xia Jinyuan thinks, the blooming smile is like the peony blooming in the moonlight, the national color is fragrant, let people bend it.

She thought she knew that he wanted to tell himself what kind of good news.

The cold moon is like a hook, pouring cold and clear light. In the moonlight, his comrades-in-arms, his lover’s eyebrows bend, his eyes are like a new moon.

Going to her, Xia Jinyuan looked down at the female soldier who had been strong enough to make her distressed. She bent down slightly and took the helmet she had taken in her hand and put it on her. “Chen Shu, never Let others be disappointed, this time, the same is true. He is worried about how he can be easily defeated.”

With a combat helmet, the female soldier wearing a combat desert suit is quite straight, and is even taller than the proud snow pine. The eyebrows are beautiful and beautiful, and even the best masters can’t draw the tenacity.

Attached to the helmet buckle, for her whole collar, Junyan Ruyu, a young young school with a military gaze watching the female soldier who is enamored, the voice is low and the sound of the piano comes, “What you have experienced, suffering, The pain you suffer is the rough way you must grow up.”

“Take them, fight them, and you get baptized. Bluebird, you have a soldier now. From your body, we can see the temperament of contemporary soldiers, there should be some enlightenment, good female soldiers. !”

There is no smooth sailing on the road to growth. Only when it is flat and bumpy, it is the true military career of a soldier.

“Congratulations, you have made a big step forward in entering our Snowy Brigade.”

His last words illuminate the light in Ye Jian’s eyes, and instantly win over the stars in the morning, Xia Jinyin sees this, and the smile is deeper in his eyes. “No need to be surprised, you are in the hearts of all of us, but the best female soldiers.” “”

The performance of Ye Jian can be said to be unexpected to everyone. Even the Major General of the Army said to himself, “Give Ye Jian three days to let her come back to visit relatives.”

He did not answer for Ye Jian. He only said: “I will tell Ye Jian about the situation truthfully, it is up to her. However, the Major General, with my understanding of Chen Shu, and the understanding of Ye Jian, they will not choose to leave. ”

Chen Shu, a contemporary hero, is not only the guide to Ye Jian, but also the spiritual coordinate of Ye Jian becoming a qualified soldier. His selfless dedication has influenced Ye Jian all the time, leaving Ye Jian to take very little. Detours have been moving in the right direction that the seniors pointed to her.

(End of this chapter)

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