Chapter 1782 is dangerous

Did not avoid the sight of his attention, toward the squad leader who was found by himself and looked a little embarrassed, smiled warmly and bowed his head to continue to count medical supplies.

The squad leader was warmly like a flower-like smile, and the female soldier was rarely seen. She came to a female soldier who was even more beautiful than the literary female soldier they thought was the most beautiful. A little afraid to look at her.

They are already in the car. At that time, the female soldiers were not left behind, so I will pay more attention to the female soldiers later.

The squad leader of the military station thought so, no longer paying more attention to Ye Jian. A male soldier staring at the female soldier was too rude. However, this female soldier is indeed stronger than the lost literary female soldier. I have not said that I need to take a breath of oxygen.

Li Xiaonian, who closed his eyes and raised his spirits, did not speak easily. Although he had plateau training, he definitely had no experience with J5. At this time, he only needs to learn from J5.

The “Z”-shaped Panshan Highway climbs along the mountain and seems to be directly into the paradise. Even if the car is slow to drive, the steep **** will make everyone in the car swing a lot, sometimes it will fall back and forth, the whole process. Just like a tumbling, turning into the stomach will make you angry.

The world’s highest altitude, the most difficult conditions, the most difficult to navigate the line is under the wheel, the leaf of the drug is also closed, and the body is closed with the car, although the body can not sleep, but will reduce Motion sickness.

After about 30 kilometers, the truck stopped slowly.

As soon as the car stopped, everyone in the car opened his eyes.

Ye Jian turned his head and glanced at the outside. Through the gapy windshield, it was known from the dim light that the sky was already dim, and the light that was folded into the eyes was snow.

The long eagle who got off the car walked behind the carriage and said: “If you run into an avalanche, the lost literary group is afraid of it.”

This is not a good news!

Everyone in the car brushed the taut skin and jumped off the car, only to know that the car was parked on top of a mountain.

Looking at the bleak snow from them, you can see the longest and most dangerous line to Mazda, and one of the lines has been blocked by the collapsed snow.

Avalanche, one of nature’s horror powers.

Ye Jian looks far and far from the observation. It seems that there is still about 10 kilometers in front, and then slowly looking up, you can see that the snow mountain side seems to have been cut by the majority of the snow. The top of the mountain collapsed, even if it was viewed at such a distance, even if the avalanche had stopped, … still saw a trepidation.

Seeing the scene in front of the snowy team members are clenching their mouths, J5 whispered and Li Lannian said: “Half a mountain of snow avalanche, I am afraid that there are fewer evils.”

“There is a road in front of the road. Both drivers are non-commissioned officers with more than ten years of experience in Tibetan roads. If abnormal conditions are found, they may enter the road and avoid the avalanche.” Li Yannian adjusted the telescope focal length, seriously Observe the avalanche section. “As long as you enter the road, Jido is less fierce.”

As soon as J5 heard it, he knew that he had walked through this dangerous road. It is clear that it is not yet two times, and there must be countless returns to be recorded.

It is true that there is a section of the road, one route is to cut into the mountain half, and the avalanche occurs from the approximate location, this is the section of the road.

At this point, it has been six hours since the loss of the cultural team!

(End of this chapter)

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