Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1791 - This is not easy to do.

Chapter 1791 is not easy to do.

Ye Jian, who is very close to the female soldier, also wants to solve the rope buckle attached to her waist to comfort and comfort them. I never thought that there were female soldiers who did not follow the common sense and spread their ankles to themselves.

“Give it to you, Ye Jian!”

At this time, J5 reacted to the thief quickly, and the right hand quickly solved the rope buckle. The skill was extremely vigorous and jumped to the side. All the five crying female soldiers were handed over to Ye Jian, and kindly said: “You guys talk to her, there are Everything tells her that you will have a common language. The rest of the things will be handed over to our male soldiers, you rest, rest well!”

“That, my comrades, you will accompany them, and they will know that they are scared enough to appease them.”

A fear that this group of female soldiers would rush toward him flashed quite quickly.

His movements are fast, and the squadrons behind him are equally fast. They don’t have the experience of appease the crying female soldiers. One of them is a rough man. Who knows how to comfort the female soldier.

I saw Ye Jian was directly caught and hugged by a literary and art soldier. Now he is stiff and straight and standing….Mom, just look at the frame and they will numb the scalp!

Reassure the weeping female soldier and hand it over to Jane.

Fortunately, they have Ye Jian, otherwise, they are jealous.

A group of soldiers who are not afraid of the day, the bullets are in front of the eyes of the soldiers who are not blind, the literary and art soldiers who are crying in the face of the wow are helpless.

There is no way, they are a group of light pole commanders, really did not practice a girl’s mouth.

Ye Jian, who had a big head, finally untied the rope buckle. She had some stiff hands and feet and took a few breaths before she raised her hand and patted the female soldier who rushed into her arms. “Excessive emotion will increase the respiratory rate.” Therefore, you need to inhale more oxygen. Mazda 坂 坂 oxygen is insufficient, you cry again, I am afraid that there will be altitude sickness, severe chest tightness, tinnitus, difficulty breathing, and finally life-threatening complications.”

“So, you calm down, you can take a break for a while, and the next thing will be handed over to us.”

As a science student, Ye Jian calmly comforted and said the consequences of the emotions so excited.

Fu Hui, who was thrown in her arms, made a nap and looked up at the female soldier who came to the rescue. “You are a military doctor. Let me see it. I am a little chest tight now.”

“Chest tightness is because you just cried too much, and, if you just wipe your tears, you will form ice beads directly on your face.” Ye Jian did not immediately push the female soldier, her body has been shaking, showing how much Scared.

The other four female soldiers who were surrounded, even if they cried again, accompanied by Ye Jian, went to the inside of the road surrounded by piles of materials. At this time, they really found the backbone and found a sense of security.

“The avalanche range is too big. Before the blizzard, the rescue time was extended. Now we can see that you are all right. We are relieved.” Ye Jian, who is holding the oxygen, sat down, and the speed was very slow and quite calm. Speak to them, “Twenty people in total, now only see you five, can you tell me the situation?”

There should be twenty talents, but there are only five people in front of us… Ye Jian has looked at the truck without any traces. It is impossible to have only five people. There will be ten people in each of the two cars. There should be five talents.

Where did the other five go? I need to see the five female soldiers in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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