Chapter 1801

The car trembled everywhere and made a “squeaky” sound. The whole car was swaying up and down. Ye Jian was always at the top of the car. Both hands tightened the rope and slid to let the instructor slowly pull from the car to the top of the car.

“I slowly receded, you slowly climbed forward like me.” At this time, the leafy who had always been calm, with the hands of the instructor holding the edge of the carriage slowly pulled up by the rope, the sweat on the forehead Slightly speaking, while talking to the instructor, while slowly maintaining the “big” shape posture to go backwards.

The instructor’s arm has a fracture, and the action is inevitably controlled. Fortunately, the comrades of the Snowy Brigade pull the rope in front of the front of the car. It is only necessary for the instructor to maintain the posture like Ye Jian.

There was a layer of ice on the carriage, and the leaves were smoothed and the ice surface was smoothed a little. The smooth ice surface reduced the resistance and speeded up the instructor’s progress.

“Stabilize, stabilize, just a little bit, just a little bit!” Ye Jian returned to the junction of the carriage and the front of the car, and gathered her arms to tighten the rope tied to the instructor, and worked together with the comrades. In almost fifteen minutes, the first trapped person was finally saved.

As long as the first one is successfully rescued, this means that this method can be achieved!

The sound of “squeaky” stopped as the instructor got off the bus, and the entire swaying car returned to a standstill. J5 quickly slammed into the ice to see if the front wheels were showing signs of slipping. Look carefully and stand up towards the leaves. The wheels are not going down! You can enter the second round of rescue!”

I am most afraid of the wheels going to the cliff before the rescue process. Even if I use stones to resist it, I can’t worry about it. Now it’s good news to rescue the wounded and keep the wheels in the same state.

The squatting leaf Jane sighed very lightly. She did not stand up and she made an “OK” gesture to J5, indicating that she could pass the second round of rescue.

“Good!” The old Tibetans who held the instructor gave a thumbs up to Ye Jane and praised him: “You are a female soldier who admires us! Great!”

Very very great!

Qin Xiu, standing in the high snow pile, looked at the slender figure on the top of the car and successfully rescued the high instructor of the cultural and art troupe. The elegant and beautiful face was smiling with a shallow smile.

Every time she saw her, she saw her full of sunshine, her fearless.

She is brave, but she always knows how to do what she can, and the girl who knows how to do it knows how to move forward. Do not overdo it, just as a glass of water will not be full, the scale is just right.

The water surplus is full of losses, and the girl who should be in the freshman now seems to understand this truth quite well. Therefore, she and Du Jiayi come together and see each other.

From the capital city to the northwest of Xinjiang, Du Jiayi’s sleekness made him feel amazed. Mrs. Qin said that this is a wife who is suitable for the husband and wife, and asked him to take care of him and make a little progress.

He also put Mrs. Qin’s words in his heart. People like them are not married to their own loved ones, but a wife who helps the whole family.

All the way, her quietly let the literary and art soldiers who were dissatisfied with her suffer from losses like a dumb eating Huanglian, and could not tell.

Only by means of four or two pounds, the support and leadership of the leadership recognized her, and several criticisms of the female soldiers who did not deal with Du Jiayi.

(End of this chapter)

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