Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1804 - They will not comfort the female soldiers

Chapter 1804 will not comfort the female soldiers

In the end, there was such a thrilling scene that the special team members of the Snowy Brigade were shocked to see the cold sweat coming from the back.

If Ye Jian is here to explain, what kind of consequences are waiting for them, it does not matter, they will not forgive themselves for the rest of their lives.

Qin Xiu looked at the square of the car, and he couldn’t help but gently close his eyes and raise his hand to lick his chest. When he opened it, he looked down at his feet. After the two ropes that were visible, The car was aided and directly fell into the snow.

He is not very safe here, he needs to go down.

The following Tibetan soldiers looked up and said to Qin Xiu, who stood in the high place: “Qin reporter, come down! You are not safe! Come down!”

The rope is trapped in snow, which is equivalent to cutting the accumulated snow directly into two pieces. If the upper layer of snow falls down, the entire snow layer will follow, and when Qin Xiu is standing on the top, it will fall with the falling snow. Fall into the cliff together.

Qin Xiu responded with a sigh of relief, and then carefully walked on the snow and slowly walked down, only to walk a few steps. The land he had just stood was conveniently pressed by the large pieces of snow falling down. Then, there were at least three squares of snow. Fall directly to the cliff.

Hearing the sound of Qin Xiu’s mouth behind him, he did not look back. He stepped up and rushed down.

The Tibetan soldiers saw the snow on the top like a stripped scale. They were peeled down from layer to layer, and the snow that had been piled up to the mountain was even a large blockbuster. Seeing this walking line 10 The veterans of seven or eight years were shocked.

Fortunately, the Qin reporter is not a timid person. He knows that the situation is not right afterwards. He has never turned his head and looked at it directly.

Qin Xiu, who was rushing down, finally had a sigh. When the snow under his feet was loose, he flew directly forward. He first came to a fiercely hungry hungry tiger pose, and then ended with “five body casts”. Fall down.

Although the posture is unspeakable, you can see that there is a small avalanche in the snow that has been piled up into a hill. Qin Xiu does not care too much. The most urgent thing is that life is important.

The people in the back car saw the snow avalanche again, the female soldiers were scared to death, and the male soldiers were a little more stable.

“Qin reporter… Is there anything?” Fu Hui, who was scared of his knees, said a word.

Li Lannian looked at the pile of snow that had collapsed. The original cool face was getting colder and colder. The person standing on it should be a little skill. Otherwise, how dare to stand in the most dangerous place.

It must be sure to stand up, as for whether there is any accident…, he scared the five female soldiers who were like a bird of surprise: “The accident and the affair are half the chance.”

When the female soldiers heard it, the tears were scared.

Li Yannian glanced at it, then… walked away.

Do you have to see it with your own eyes and know what is the use of crying?

Qin Xiu knows that he has also provoked the tears of five female soldiers. He came down with the male soldiers of the Snowy Brigade and tightened the ropes. He had to tighten a little, and he could not let the girls on the carriages have a little danger. .

The female soldiers of the rescue team were quite relaxed, because they knew how to balance themselves. Ye Jian tightened the rope and took the last female soldier out of the compartment. He was as stunned as before. “Let your body relax, look up, take a deep breath. Exhale lightly, don’t bow your head.”

The sound is better than listening in the carriage, clear and gentle, like the hot spring water in the winter, warm and letting people listen to the warmth in their hearts, and Du Jiayi tightening the ropes slightly tightened a little.

good night

(End of this chapter)

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