Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1808 - Be bold, be careful

Chapter 1808 is bold, and the heart is fine.

Xia Jinyuan threw the snow in the engineering shovel. With his gloves, he raised his hand and patted the eyebrows. Li Yannian, who was cold and tight, sneered. “With your ability, we all believe that there will be a day.”

He shoveled the snow very quickly, and a shovel was a big piece. A few words of effort smashed a few square feet of snow.

Not happy, Du Jiayi is a snake next to the little fox. Although he knows that his little fox is a smart girl, Du Jiayi is a woman who is used to being a man. He talks very well. When she talks with her, she feels a very mature woman… This is her appearance, I don’t know how many people have cheated!

The real Du Jiayi, a snake! I don’t know when she will bite, and the person who is bitten may not know who is biting herself. It is Du Jiayi who is long-sleeved and good at all, who cares about others and can think for others!

This woman’s means is even more embarrassing than a man, and there must be a plan!

The little fox who is upright is in contact with her… He is really afraid that she will suffer!

Li Yannian saw this, but when he was so early to see Ye Jian and so fast, his strength was not deep, and the speed also caught up to throw large chunks of snow to the cliff.

“Be bold, your heart is fine, your eyes must be accurate, knowing what they need men to give them some things at that moment. Just like just now, several female soldiers have even walked three steps, obviously need someone to help them. Cheng, then I will help them get on the bus, and then say a few words of concern, if they are intimate, they will only thank you, how can they be angry?”

“I didn’t rush to them like a hungry wolf. I have a gentlemanly manner. I didn’t see that I helped them get on the armrests and shoulders. If they can’t go, I will. Let them kneel on my knees, one hand holding my shoulder and climbing up, I didn’t go out of the way, this is called gentleman style, gentleman style.”

Han Yu shared his experience in a big way to solve the confusion of a group of bachelors.

A group of bachelors heard the truth, and really felt that “listening to the monarch and winning a ten-year book”, the ability to interact with more than a dozen girls is really not blown out, it is a bit of a skill!

After receiving the confession of the comrades, the Han Hao was very enjoyable. “Become, I will teach more and teach you later, let you go out and know how to please girls. Everyone will come back with a good wife. Live, shoveling the road within five hours, the amount of work is a bit large.”

The amount of work is indeed a bit large. The members of the Snowy Brigade gave Ye Jiansong loose bones, pressed the shoulders, and helped her to keep her hands hot. After confirming that her body had no problem, she picked up the engineering shovel and started shoveling snow.

Need to resume the passage as soon as possible, and strive to drag the front car to the front.

Du Jiayi looked at Ye Jian, who was served as a princess by a male soldier, and his eyes were sneer.

It must be a female soldier who loves reluctance and good performance. Otherwise, why are so many male soldiers in her, but she climbed up and down on the carriage alone?

She has seen more female soldiers. She has no background at home, can suffer hardships, has a little ambition, and is smart, just like Liu Yuan and Wei Jiayue in their group. It is only three points to be able to put on the teeth. Capable appearance.

Oh, the sound is so good that it can’t cover up her reluctant mind.

(End of this chapter)

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