Chapter 1815 Thunder

The leaf singer who listened quietly only said the word “Mrs. Li”, and there was a dark man in the deep squat.

Only about five meters to the tent, Wei Jiayue, attached to Ye Jian’s ear, said quickly and extremely lightly, and even Liu Yuan did not hear it.

Why tell Ye Jian, because she can help only this.

I only hope that Ye Jian can be vigilant and will be able to walk around in the future.

Wei Jia is also everyone, they have to let the Du family three points.

After listening to the silence, Ye Jian first whispered “Thank you” and reminded him: “Sit a little, just take a tent.”

I don’t know when I can shovel the snow. The Tibetans used two tents to shelter from the cold.

Unexplained Liu Yuan came out of the tent and said to Ye Jian: “I have worked hard tonight and saved us so many people. Although I have no way to mention your name in the report, let the troops commend you. But I will always remember that there was a female soldier who was lucky to save people. Thank you, Ye Jian.”

Compared with Du Jiayi’s thank you for touching his lips on the lips, Liu Yuan’s thank you seems to be sincere and many, straightening his back, and looking at Ye Jianjing on the military ceremony.

“Thank you! Ye Jian!” Thank you, if it wasn’t for you, she and her comrades would not dare to climb the roof, and it would be impossible to save so many people in just three hours or so.

She stood by and listened to the “squeaky” sound from the carriage, which scared the knees to be soft, and the leaves on the roof of the car were so calm, so brave, they scared screams, she was still calm, until Save everyone.

Du Jiayi is not afraid of staring at Ye Jian. The number of her troops is different and the arms are different. She is no longer able to cross the ministry and cross-service to give Ye Jian a scorpion!

Looking at Ye Jian, who worked for them in front of her eyes, Liu Yuan, who was unwilling to go to her heart, bite her lip, as if she had decided on the next big decision. After a while, she said: “I am a female soldier with Du Jiayi for two years. I have been handed over for a year, so I can eat a share. Later, the new recruits entered the army, and with her opinions, the contradictions began to deepen. However, there were only differences of opinion on the class.”

“In July last year, when I approached Wei Jiayue who was transferred, the relationship between us and my relationship dropped even more sharply. Finally, I applied to transfer to Wei Jiayue’s dormitory far away from her. From the far side, I can see Du Jiayi’s personality, until now. And the heart is not harmonious.”

She has no way to directly let Ye Jian be careful, because, with his own understanding of Du Jiayi, if he really wants to say something, it is difficult to successfully retired.

Just now, her sect was clearly eyeing Ye Jian. If she didn’t say anything, she would not care.

……and Ye Jian should be aware of it, otherwise it will not say that it is not cold or hot, let Du Jiayi eat a dark loss, let the high instructors appreciate it.

Whether she knows and is aware of it, she can’t lose her conscience.

“I rarely get along well with people, except for Du Jiayi. Fortunately, you are not in our military region, and certainly there will not be much meeting in the future. If you encounter it, don’t know it, avoid it.”

In fact, at this time, the heart of Ye Jian really did not have much thought, but she said Du Jiayi’s business, she must listen.

Because, Ye Ying’s mother-in-law is the surname Li! Her husband is the surname Du! !

Sun Dongqing also complained in the village, saying that Ye Ying’s little sister is not a good one!

Qingyun really doesn’t just write a character out, and he won’t drag the plot. These are the must-writes that must be written.

(End of this chapter)

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