Chapter 1827 is good for the good

Chapter 1827

Retirement is always a topic that a soldier does not want to mention. Even Wei Jiayue, who has never joined the chat, can’t help but frown. When they hear that they are the female soldiers of the Xinjiang troops, Wei Jiayue, who is sinking in the water, directly interrupts. The comrades chatted with enthusiasm and calmly said: “The past things have passed, we will remember it. You understand why I want to say this.”

The atmosphere inside the car turned out to be quite good. Everyone was in trouble and met a powerful female soldier. The chat was not high in general, but now the atmosphere is directly cold. You look at me, I look at you, no more. I want to chat with interest.

After a gentle sigh came, the car returned to calm, only to hear the heavy sound of the wheel iron teeth running over the snow.

If you don’t say it, don’t say it. If you go on, you have to recruit Du Jiayi. No one has a good fruit to eat.

The members of the Snowy Brigade are having a good time chatting. V8 Lang Lang smiled and said to Ye Jian: “The captain knows that you are going to save people. The speed of driving directly reaches the speed that makes everyone tremble, and has been driving for more than three hours. Let all of us accept a physical and mental rehearsal and improve our mental capacity.”

“Blue Bird, this time we can practice a guts again. When I got out of the car, I shook a few pounds of sweat and ice beads on my back. They were all scared by the Q King.”

Listening to their hearty voice, Ye Jian’s mouth must have been bent high, still with his own comrades, and even a happy mood.

J5 listened, his eyes were deep and his eyes were close to the summer major sitting in Ye Jian, and he said slowly: “That is certain, the blue bird is the only female soldier in our team. Can Q King not worry?”

“Change to me, I am also anxious.”

Do you know if your comrades are in danger? Team members who switch to any Snowy Brigade will be in a hurry, otherwise why the V8 did not remind Xia Jinyuan, and the comrades sitting in the car did not remind.

Because they want to rush over as soon as possible.

But they really don’t know why there is another reason why Xia Jinyuan drives the express train. This reason is only known to Han Yu.

Therefore, Xia Jinyuan directly rushed Han Han to another truck.

Listening to J5, the tone has been raised, and the taste has changed. The younger summer school has a smile, and the palm of the hand is pinched by the big hand. The light is attached to her ear, whispered: “Know me. At that time, I was so anxious, I was afraid that you would suffer in the woman’s hand.”

“Don’t be far away.” The breath was all over her ear. It turned out to be sensitive, and before it was frozen, the warm skin of the car is now recovering. He said so close… Speaking of the ear is a little bit numb.

They all sit very close, if they directly make a partial movement, sitting in the opposite J5, the scorpion will definitely feel wrong, … … that she is actually a guilty conscience, guilty of their own now talk with Xia Jinyuan, and they do not know.

Xia Jinyuan is a man who has fun and a bit of fun. Seeing this, the eyebrows are lightly picking, but instead of keeping the distance, they are closer together. The hands are more directly holding Ye Jian’s right hand, which is as low as the strings. Suddenly came, “The little fox with no conscience, I am so worried, how can you bear to refuse it? Well, give me a little sweetness, for example… come close to me and talk to me like me.”

If she really came over, he would use the car to jolt and lean closer to make her lips kiss to her cheeks.

He can be prepared, otherwise why take the windshield and the windshield when you get on the bus.

Its intentions… really good!

Good night, good night, good night… Today, the Lantern Festival is a round day, and the clouds are coming to the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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