Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1832 - Magical character

Chapter 1832 Magical Characters

Fortunately, the venue is small, there are many people, otherwise the thick face of the summer major, this statement will definitely hold the leaf Jane directly, crying him is not easy.

The cheeky face of Major Shao is the same as his skill, and it is growing day by day. Therefore, as long as he has the opportunity, he will surely let Ye Jian see how thick his face is.

Ye Jian thought of all the things before the commander-in-chief of Xia, and couldn’t help but grin.

“No one said, you are my girlfriend, my lover who spent the rest of my life. Commander-in-chief Xia only agrees with you as his daughter-in-law, Du Jiaruo dare to count you, the first one will not let Du family It’s the old man in summer.”

“By the way, tell you a private matter that Xia Laotou is most reluctant to be mentioned…”

“Don’t, don’t say! I don’t want to hear it!” Ye Jian immediately interrupted, but she didn’t have an ear. She was still a small military school student. She really didn’t have the guts to listen to the private affairs that the commander-in-chief was most reluctant to mention!

Xia Jinyuan did not agree with it: “The old man is not willing to be mentioned by others. There is no difference between him and his two. The reason why his divorce with his ex-wife has a great relationship with Du Jiayi’s mother.”

“When his ex-wife was hesitant between leaving and leaving, Xia Laotou was still trying to save his marriage. Mrs. Du introduced a good-hearted poem that can be written by a talented man to the ex-wife of Xia Laotou. Then, the ex-wife resolutely pursues true love. Divorced with the old man in the summer and went abroad to fly high.”

“Can you not say it…” Ye Jian has heard the heartbeat, this thing is definitely not a daughter-in-law, she can listen, oh, no, no, she is a military school student, she can listen!

“No, I have to say!” Xia Shaoshu decisively refused, and the more he said, the brighter the light in the darkness of the darkness. “Xia Laotou still wants to chase after the marriage, who knows that his ex-wife went abroad. As a soldier who can’t go abroad for private reasons, he is dumbfounded.”

“There is no such thing as the old man in the summer. There is no such thing as Mrs. Du. However, the staff of Du, who was also a head of the team, came to the competition. In order to fight for it, he made a report saying that Xia Laotou’s style was bad, and his ex-wife found himself divorced after his discovery.”

Ye Jian is really really really don’t want to listen, but the man around him said that he was so excited, he just said without applause.

She didn’t understand, and her mother was gone. What kind of strength is he happy?

“In a word, Du and the Xia Laotou have always been inconsistent for decades, so if Du Jiayi dares to count you, oh, don’t blame the old man.”

After Xia Xiaoxiao’s smile was finished, he saw his little fox carrying his left hand and asked for a sentence. “And I really thank Mrs. Du, and thanks to her destruction, I have a good day for me today. Xia Laotou It was impossible to choose a wife’s eyes. It is no wonder that my old lady objected. If his ex-wife stayed at the Xiajia, I doubted if he could take the right path.”


After living for two generations, Ye Jian really heard a son say that he was a mother! What did the ex-wife of Commander-in-Chief do, so that the son of the child can ignore her so much.

“I told you the ex-wife of the summer commander, I will tell you next time, I am afraid that you are disgusting. As for the Du family…” Xia Jinyuan, who smiled and gathered up, suddenly simmered, cold: “As for Du family, Rest assured, I am guarding, Du Jiayi dare to reach out, oh, her military brigade will come to an end!”

“If I can’t even protect you, it doesn’t deserve to be your boyfriend.”

Good night, good night, tomorrow, the baby is going to school, Qingyun has to go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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