Is Chapter 1834 shy?

“The fox that has become stupid, will I be afraid of your guilt and make such a big panic?” The cautiousness in her expression deeply hurt his heart. His girl suffered from childhood and young age. In the face of the roots of the uncle, Chen Shu did not get the love of family, but did not get the shelter they should have, so she is so afraid of losing family, losing all the good, more afraid of people who care about her.

Holding her finger tightly, Xia Jinyuan said with a word and a low word. “The things between the two families are not finished in a few words. If you are interested, I will tell you the next day.”

Ye Jian believed that the look between the eyebrows was obviously loosened and smiled: “It’s no wonder that Du Jiayi didn’t like me when she opened it. It was because of you.”

Looking at her laughing, Xia Jinyuan was soft in his heart.

Before the age of fourteen, no one loved, no one was sheltered. Everywhere was oppressed by Ye Zhifan’s family. In this kind of growth environment, she can still be physically and mentally healthy. There is no mental illness. In the words of Xia Laotou, “the daughter of the martyrs must be different”.

It is indeed different. It is really lucky for him to meet a different girl.

Therefore, he did not want to see her again because of the sorrow of his past, his girl should be happy, even if the road in the military is thorny, he also hopes that his girl is happy.

If he is not happy, he will use her own way to let her out of grief and regain happiness.

Xia Major, who focused on Ye Jian, gently squeezed the slender hand in the big hand. The thin lips were slightly raised, and there was a slight smile. “Your thank you, I really don’t want to accept it. There is no way to ask for other requirements. But if you don’t accept it, I am worried that your heart is upset.” Her moment of sadness did not escape the gaze of Xia Jinjin and began to show the bad nature.

“If you don’t, I have received your ‘thank you’, and then you give me some sweetness. For example, kiss me?”

When it comes to sweetness, the summer major who has forgotten the pain and hurts is coming again. After sweeping all the comrades in the car, all of them are closed, and they will come over with Junyan. “Just, don’t be too much.”

Every time such a leaf Jane is very helpless, why is the man who is just before the time, the extraordinary Xia major to her, to maintain “serious” but five minutes, in addition to fighting can always maintain serious, but really can not always see the eight classics.

When I heard the tone of some bad smells, it made her feel unpleasant!

Fortunately, the comrades who rushed one day and one night had already fallen asleep with each other, and even the opposite J5 and G3 were head-to-head. Holding the rifle and closing their eyes seemed to be sleeping well, and they closed their eyes. awkward.

“Shy? Then I close too…”

His words have not been finished, Ye Jian suddenly leaned over, looking for the target, she directly kissed with her own slightly cool delicate, goal: the thin lips of the major of summer.

The feeling of the coolness came, the summer major was really a bit stunned…. His little fox was bold enough to kiss his lips in the face of a comrade-in-arms!

And he turned out to be closed, not looking good!

“How, the taste of dessert is good.” Ye Jian had already sat up straight and asked him calmly, “I think this dessert should be more happy than the summer team, compared to the dessert you want.”

Although it is a watery kiss, what can you say? Explain that his girl began to accept herself completely!

(End of this chapter)

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