Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1844 - Mysterious person calling

Chapter 1844 Mystery Caller

The northwestern part of the country is cold and biting, while the south of the area is high in the sun. The lowest temperature today is only eight degrees. Compared with the temperature of minus tens of degrees in the Xinjiang, Nanguang is as warm as spring.

Ye Zhifan’s suit and trousers, which entered the military area for the first time, were in stark contrast to the soldiers who were dressed in dark green uniforms.

I saw that the office building doors were all sentinel guards. Ye Zhifan couldn’t help but swallow his mouth. For the past twenty years, he was still the first time to have contacts with senior officials.

The left hand couldn’t help but put it in his pocket, and the finger touched the cold jade, and his eyes flashed a little.

Yes, it is uneasy!

It is entirely because of the Du Jia’s son that he has received the call of the mysterious man once again. It has been more than ten years since I received the call of the mysterious man!

Once again, I received a call. The voice that was disguised was not changed much. It was probably older, and the voice was not as impetuous.

When the sound came from the mobile phone, he almost thought that he would take back Yu Pei, because… he did not raise the leaf Jane, but instead looked at her farther and farther, the more standing, the more he made him A director is helpless!

So he was afraid, afraid that the master of Yu Pei, who had sent him to his career, would take back all his anger and make him feel nothing!

I don’t think that the mysterious person who hasn’t been in contact for more than a decade is saying, “Send as much as possible to the troops, chances, and provide them!”

Send Ying Ying to the army… This is what he dreamed of!

He followed Du Gongzi, who was ordered to travel to Nanguang and was rescued by the triad forces when he rescued his meal….He was from the Ducheng of the South Army Guangjun District.

In the South Province, I didn’t do anything to do it. When it was less than four days in Nanguang, it was easy to do it. Although the back was cut, it was worth it! Really worth it!

“Headmaster, Secretary Ye has arrived.” At the same time as the guards slammed the door, they also told them.

There was no immediate answer. Just when Ye Zhifan was a little uneasy, the half-closed door suddenly opened. One of the bodies was medium, but it was exceptionally strong, but the soldiers in their early thirties opened the door personally.

His eyes fell directly on Ye Zhifan, and the laughter was coming. “Ye, I can wait until you, fast, please sit down.”

This is the eldest son of Du’s chief of staff, Du Kaiwei, thirty-three years old, and then head of a certain group in the Nanguang Military Region.

His enthusiasm suddenly let Ye Zhifan’s heart lifted down, and the knife was so sharp that although he thought about it, he could make him feel soft. You can see the smile of Du’s head, worth it, it’s worth it!

“Ye, Secretary, you can have time to eat dinner with me after this official business!” Du Kaiwei not only personally greeted, but also personally tea, and told the guards to retreat, there are only two people in the entire office. “It is not easy for you to come to Nanguang for a time difference. I don’t delay your business. Thanks to this sentence, I don’t have much to say. I have no sincerity to say more. I will come directly to the actual business that will make you happy. “”

The director of the leaf can actually block a knife for him. If he is not blocked, the knife is to reach the neck of his Du Kaiwei, and he will reach the head on the spot!

Just rushing to this situation, he can’t be slow!

Ye Zhifan smiled very elegantly, and he was calm and relaxed in the face of warm hospitality. He did not show how happy he was.

Good night

As soon as this chapter comes out, I have already foreseen the wind and waves… but I like it, hahaha…

(End of this chapter)

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